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(recapish thing)

I was sitting in my room. Crying. Again.

I can't believe that my boyfriend, the one that told me I look beautiful even when I was wearing sweats and tees, the one that would do anything for me just to see me smile, remembered nothing about us.

Throughout the day I looked happy so they thought I was on the way up, but I wasn't. It was getting worse and worser every day.

I missed everything about, his laugh, how he snorted sometimes when he's laughing really hard, the fact that he loved me. Everything was beautiful with him and without him it's all crap.

As I packed my bag for the wedding I could hear Joey laughing downstairs. Ugh. I don't want him in the house. I don't want to see him at all. I just wanna bann him from my mind, but I can't. He will be stuck in there forever. It's been two months. When I'm I going to get over him? What's wrong with me? I looked at the charm bracelet he gave me, it was sitting on my desk. I picked it up and put it on the bathroom counter. I didn't want to look at it anymore. My arm wasn't any better, still in a pink cast. I don't think ill be able to take the job. I packed away the dress and a extra outfit, pajamas and other needs. I zipped up the suitcase and set it by my door for Friday. I turned on Dr. Who and started crying again because Rose was trapped in the parallel universe and couldn't travel with The Doctor anymore. Kalel came up and brought me some Chinese food.

"Thanks," I muttered, accepting the yummy dinner.

"Oh I hate this episode," she grumbled, walking around my bed and sitting on the other side.

I avoided going downstairs all day and of I absolutely needed to I made sure Joey wasn't in the part of the house where I had to go. Kalel and I went into her "studio" and I tried to practice drawing with my left hand. I showed Kalel some of my drawing from before the accident and we agreed to send them in if I wasn't better. Anthony went to film and Joey and Kalel went out with all our friends for a "out-of-the-hospital" dinner. I was invited to of course but I didn't feel like going out. I took a shower and went to bed pretty early that night

My Youtube Boyfriend (a Joey Graceffa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now