
202 15 8

May 31, 2016

I stand in the back of the line, waiting for the disgusting bus to pull up at school. I kick rocks around and listen to the conversations of the people around me. Some girls are talking about vacations they're going on. Some guys are talking about some game called World Of Warcraft, and a group of jockey dudes walk up to them and pick on them about that. I don't understand my people are such assholes to other kids about what they like. Fucking dicks.
Thankfully people leave me the hell alone. Everyone just acts like I'm satan and keeps their distance. That's perfectly fine with me. The only time I was ever picked on was last year when I wore knee high Converse and Ashley Benit, captain of the cheer team, told me I looked like a jack ass. I simply nodded and said thanks.
My thoughts are interrupted by the whir of the big worm looking vehicle called a bus pulls up and the doors screech open.
All the 'popular' kids sit in the back, obnoxiously laughing and throwing paper airplanes, the smart kids know as Geek Fest sit in the middle, I sit in the very front seat behind the bus driver.
She has her puffy red hair pulled up in a pony tail and her nails painted pink. Her t-shirt says 'ChurchPoint Cheerleading' and her shorts go down to her knees. Church Point. The place makes me sick. Thank God it's my last year at CPHS (Church Point High School).
Last one to get on and the last one to get off. I sit quietly, watching everyone pass me, telling the bus driver to have a good summer. After four years riding this bus and I still don't know her name. That's how much I fucking care.
When she gets to my house, she smiles. I smile back and start to leave, but then she puts her hand on my shoulder.
"You're different, Alex. You're a special girl, by that I mean you're better than them. Have a good summer. Don't ever let those asshats get to you and make you feel worthless, understand?" She says. How does she know my name? Why does she even care about me? What the fuck? I nod. "Yes ma'am."
Mom and Dad are sitting on the from porch of the massive house that we live in. "How was your day, Sweetie?" Mom calls.
"Well, it was better than most days because it was only half a day." I say. Dad chuckles.
"That's my girl! I never liked school either hun. But God got me through it." He says. He stands up from his rocker and hugs me.
I want to roll my eyes. My parents, my whole family actually, are so fucking religious. Everything. Every. Little. Thing. Is. About. God. I'm atheist, and they don't know this.
"God is good!" I say faking a smile.
"Why don't you go change out of that uniform and put on something nice." Mom says. I nod and run inside and upstairs to my room. I'm greeted by my hamster Mr.Jingles biting his cage aggressively.
I throw my booksack down next to my twin bed and walk to my closet. Before changing my clothes, I grab his bag of food and put a handful of unsalted sunflower seeds, dry corn, and some other cat food looking shit in his cage. I change into a green day t-shirt and faded blue skinny jeans.
I sit on my bed, sighing. It's all over. Finished. School is done. No more. Yes. Knock, knock, knock.
"Come in!" I say. Mom peeks through the door.
"You dressed?" She asks.
"Yes, Mom." I say. She walks in and plops down besides me.
"You know our friends that live in Richard? The Ways?" She says.
"Not personally, I know of them." I say.
"Yeah, well, they bought this place a few months ago from a Baptist church and they're starting a bible camp for teenagers, like you." She says . Oh no. Fuck my life! Really? A bible camp?
"Cool." I say and mentally crossing my fingers that she doesn't tell me I have to go.
"Well, I was thinking that maybe you would like to participate in it this summer. It's 3 weeks long and starts tomorrow. There's a pool and horses! You would love it, Alex." She says nudging me with her elbow. I sigh.
"Well, I don't like swimming and I'm sacred of horses. And people." And I don't believe in God and I don't like to be surrounded by well dressed and well mannered white kids.
"You don't have to do the activities, just the classes. Your cousin Madlyn is going to be there. Y'all could be in a dorm together." She says raising her eyebrows. Madlyn. I cannot fucking stand her.
"Alex, you're going." She says. I can't help it this time, I roll my eyes so hoard it hurts.
"What ab-"
"No. You are going."
"Mr. Jin-"
"Don't bring him into this. You're going and it's final. I'll take care if him when you're gone." She says and gets up to leave. When she reaches the door she turns and says, "Put on something nice. The Ways are eating here tonight and I don't want you looking like a criminal."
When she leaves, I wave my arms around and mouth curses under my breath. Great. I'm going to have to spend most of my fucking summer in the middle of a shitty town learning about shit I don't believe in. Fuck.

So I had this idea and I know it sucks, but it's going to get better. I think. I'm a pretty horrible writer😬

This is for my frands-
My inspirations❤️

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