
46 4 6

June 4, 2016


Gerard's P.O.V

Alex fell asleep during our little cuddling session and the sun is all the way up now. I slowly move my arm that's fallen asleep under Alex out from under her and cringe at the feeling.
I shake it around as I make my way over to my desk. In my box of pencils, I have a name tag. I pick it up and flip it over. I know it's past breakfast which was at 8:00, and I know it's not after lunch, 12:30.
I pick up my shirt and put bit back on. It's still a bit damp and sticky, but it's not horrible. I'll wear anything if it means I get to pass off Jason. Before I go down the ladder, I kiss Alex on the forehead.
It's so hot outside. How can people sit out in the sun just to tan? The fuck? The shade from the trees doesn't help much and the walk through the field's got me swearing like a fucking Hebrew slave. Fuck, it's hot.
By the time I reach the girl's dorms, I think I'm gonna die. I look around and there's no one in sight, so I start speed walking to the suite. I hope Mikey's in there instead of the cafeteria. Save my as some trouble.
I don't pass anyone else on the walk to the suite and the door's unlocked. I open it and step inside, enjoying the air conditioning for a split second.
"Gerard!" I hear a familiar manly voice yell. Dad. Fuck. Great.
I turn around and see him sitting on the couch with a wooden baseball bat, like he's been waiting for me.
"Sir?" I squeak.
"Where have you been?" I ask.
"I, um, spent the, uh, night at the h-house last night." I stammer.
"You're lying. Where were you?" He questions, standing up.
"Th-the house, I promise." I say and feel tears forming in my eyes.
"You have one more chance, son," He says, stepping closer towards me. "Tell me where you were."
"The house." I whisper. He sends the baseball bat flying into my side and I fall onto the floor with a thud. I feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks. It isn't the time for this shit.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yes!" I choke out. He his me again, this time on my back. It's been a while since he's done this, and it's worse than I remember.
"No! Tell me the truth!" He yells.
"I am!" I say. This time he hits me on the back of my thighs. I bite my lip, trying not to cry out in pain.
"No you aren't!" He says. He starts to hit me multiple times in multiple places. My back, my legs, my thighs, everywhere except for my face. Everywhere that no one could see the bruises.
"That ought to teach you a lesson about leaving and not telling me where you're going. And lying." He says and throws the bat on the floor.
"Yes sir." I say, standing up and wiping my tears.
"Now go meet your brother and his fluffy friend in the cafeteria. You're late for lunch." He says and walks outside. When I walk, it takes all I have not to fall back down and cry.
I make it to my room and take off my shirt. I get a plain black one from my dresser and throw in on, trying not to look at the bruises on my lower body. There's a few on my arms, but it looks like I fell or something.
I also change into fresh boxers and blue skinny jeans. My hairs still fucked up, so I flatten it down a bit and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and leave.
When I enter the cafeteria, I grab a plate that's already been prepared and scan the room for Mikey and Ray. I spot then sitting at table in the corner. They looked surprised when I walk over to meet them.
"Where's Alex?" Mikey asks as I sit down.
"Her dorm." I say.
"Since when do you eat lunch in here?" Ray asks.
"I need to ask Mikey something." I say.
"Yes?" Mikey says.
"Can you find out what dorm Jason Cormier is in?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?" He asks.
"Because." I say.
"Tell me why or the deal's off." He says. I sigh.
"I need to prank him because he beat my ass." I say.
"Okay, I'll do that." He says.
"How soon?" I ask.
"When I finish eating." He says. I look at his plate, there's nothing on it. I roll my eyes.
"Dude, there's noting on your plate." I say.
"And? You still didn't eat." He says. I grab my spoon and take a bite of what I'm guessing is mashed potatoes.
"Happy?" I ask.
"Fine. I'll be back." He says and gets up. He storms out of the building like a little bitch.
Ray and I sit there awkwardly. He has this stupid grin on his face that's there like, all the time. Every second feels longer as I wait for Mikey to get back.
"Here." I jump and turn around to see Mikey holding a piece of pater.
"Thanks." I say. And get up to leave.
"Whatever." Mikey says. I shake my head and grab my plate. It still hurts to walk, but I'll live.
As I'm walking, I see Jason sitting at a table talking to a group of giggling girls, including Alex's cousin. I quickly dump my plate and leave, hoping he doesn't see me.

I know it's a bit shitty, but oh the fuck well.

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