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June 2, 2016

Gerard's P.O.V

I wake up and Alex isn't sleeping on me. I sit up and see her throwing sticks into the fire place where a really successful fire is burning. She's humming something by Weezer. Dunno what song. I wish I had a radio. I descend the ladder to meet her.
"How's your head?" I ask. Se jumps, she didn't notice me until jut now.
"It feels a lot better. It only hurts when I sneeze." She says and ruffles up my hair. I close my eyes and smile.
"That's good." I say. The sun is setting outside and it's gonna be dark soon. Shit. Parents. Cousin. Fuck.
"Yeah. How was your nap?" She asks and an evil smirk appears on her face.
"It was goo- WHAT DID YOU DO?" I ask. She laughs.
"Nothing, asshole! You were whispering my name when I woke up. Had a wet dream Gerard?" She says and I feel my cheeks go red. I don't remember my dream.
"I dunno!" I say. She stands on her tippy toes and kisses me softly on the mouth.
"I'm not mad. I was just asking." She says and goes back outside. She soon returns with two handfuls of sticks.
"How did you get the fire going?" I ask.
She shrugs. "It was easy," she says. "I grabbed the lighter on your desk, piled leaves and twigs in the fireplace, set a few leaves on fire, then I just kept adding more sticks." I could never start a fire, no matter how hard I tried. Why is she so perfect?
"Oh, cool." I say.
"Wanna help?" She asks.
"Uh, yeah, sure." I say. She makes me so happy, she's sweet and intimidating. I've never been so scared, nervous, happy, and turned on at the same time. It takes an amazing girl like Alex to do that.
"Alright, go get some more sticks and twigs and shit and then come pile them in here." She commands. I nod.
"Y-yes ma'am." I stammer and hurry outside. Why am I so shy all of a sudden? The fuck?
The heat died down a lot since we first got here, but I take off my leather jacket anyway.
I gather a bunch of sticks and twigs on the ground near the start of the tree line. I put them in my jacket and carry them like a baby inside.
"Thanks. You don't have to get anything else. The fire should be good for a while." Alex said when I dropped the load I carried. I nod and take a seat on the floor next to where she's standing. Her pale chiseled face looks magical in the glow of the fire. She catches me staring up and her and smiles. Ugh her smile!

Alex's P.O.V

Gerard's staring up at me and he kinda looks like a puppy. He's cuter than any puppy I've ever seen. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"Oh nothing." He says. I sit next to him and rest my head on his left shoulder. The flames are dancing around in the fireplace, their heat causing me to sweat, like Gerard. He's just hotter.
I feel like he can tell that I'm thinking about odd things, so I shake my head and put all my bullshit thoughts away.
"I like fire." I say out if nowhere, breaking the silence.
"Me too. Are you planning on leaving? Or are you going to stay here? The girls ages 16-18 have a class at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow." He says. Sad sigh.
"I don't know. I was pretty stupid to take a nap, I'm wide the fuck awake. Ugh, fuck me!" I say.
Gerard looks at me and smirks.
"Okay, if you wish." He says. I laugh and lightly punch his arm.
"You know I didn't mean It like that!" I say. He shrugs.
"You never know with you, that's one of the many reasons I like you." He says. I stand up and put my hand out. He takes it and I pull him up into my arms. I start walking backwards to the ladder, when I accidentally trip on something and fall. Gerard comes falling down and lands right on top of me. It didn't hurt when he fell on me, it was quite pleasant actually.
"If you were someone I didn't like, that would be an issue but...." I say, mocking what he said when I fell on him. That was yesterday. God, it feels like an eternity since that happened.
"Oh hush!" He says. I laugh and he laughs, and now we're just a mess of giggles and smiles on the ground.
He looks so hot with his fair falling carelessly around his face. Without his jacket, I can finally seehis arms. They're all toned and shit, and his biceps aren't too big, but they aren't scrawny like mine. Perfect. Like his personality and his face.

Gerard's P.O.V

This is amazing. Everything went from me being depressed and full of hate towards myself and parents, to me being happy and feeling good about things. All because of one person. I ways thought love was cliché and bullshit, but them came Alex.
I notice her stating at my arms. "Why're you staring at my arms?" I ask. She runs her index finger over on of my biceps.
"Because." She says. "God told me to." I laugh.
"Wanna know want God told me to do?" I ask. She raised her eyebrows? I put my hands on her face and pull her attention from my biceps to my face and lean down and press my lips against hers.
Before long, she's kissing me back and it's like the other kiss. Utter perfection.
She tangles had fingers in my hair and moves her hands down my back. She stops at the hem of my shirts and starts tugging on it.

Alex's P.O.V

I start to pull the hem of his shirt lightly, then I roughly tug at it. He pulls away from the kiss and sits up. I sit up too and he's in my lap. Once again, reminding me of a puppy.
I bite my lip and he raises his arms, allowing me to pull his shirt off. His pale chest and torso are perfectly muscular, like his arms. I smile and run my hands across his chest. He's silent and I don't know what to do.
I think for a minute them come up with something. I raise my arms too. He blinks a few times and hesitates, but gives in and slips my shirt over my head. My stomach is just flat with no muscle. I'm wearing a black sports bra and my boobs aren't that big. That's what most guys like. I hope Gerard is fine with what I look like.
He grabs me from behind my neck and pulls me close for another deep, intense kiss. The feeling of his skin against mine is just great.
I make him roll over, so I can be on top, without breaking the kiss. He bucks his hips up a few times to create more friction between us and I go down on him to add to it. Small moans escape his mouth, but they're mostly muffled by the kisses.
He pulls away from me and moves his mouth down to my jaw and to my neck, he stops when he gets close to my collar bone and starts to suck and nibble on my skin there. He's probably leaving a huge hickey, but I really don't care. If my parents notice, they can kiss my ass and go fuck themselves. If they don't see it, they can kiss my ass and go fuck themselves.
I start to make moaning noises. I try to keep myself quiet, but we're in the middle if Bum Fuck Egypt, so I let it all out. I make inhuman noises, and squeal and scream a little.
I stop when he removes his mouth, revealing a reddish purple mark. Oops.

Gerard's P.O.V

I look at what Id just done and take a moment to think. Fuck! This isn't good! What if someone sees? Shit. Dammit. Son. Of. A. Fucking. Bitch.
"What's wrong? Why'd you stop?" Alex questions me. She looks sad and concerned.
"What if someone sees?" I say. She shrugs.
"What are they gonna do?" She says. "Tell is to stay away from each other again? That didn't work the first time, it'll be okay." She doesn't understand. My parents are weird. They...do things.
"Okay, just, you can't make any marks like that on me. And please try to cover it up. Please." I say. She nods.
"Alright." She says. "I wasn't planning on telling anyone."
"Sorry. I know I'm being an ass. Ma and Dad are harsh with punishments and shit if I do something I'm not supposed to." I say. She nods. I can tell she understands. Even though her parents don't do the things mine do, she can relate to being treated like shit.
"Have you ever, I dunno, wanted to run away from home?" Alex randomly blurts out, rolling off of me and plopping onto the floor next to me.
"Yeah. I always did. I still do, just not alone. I mean, I would bring Mikes, but he has his best friends Ray and Bob." I say.
"I wanna run away so bad. I could do it. I'm not in shape, but I can start fire and go weeks without eating. Just gimme a pack of cigarettes and some coffee and I'll be good." She says. I smile and grasp her hand.
"You could run away with me, anytime you want." I say and kiss her cheek. She comes back up and quickly kisses me hard on the lips.

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