Spilled Coffee

42 5 0

June 4, 2016

Gerard's P.O.V

I walk out of the barn into the bright ass sun and heat and hiss. I start walking quickly, not wanting my pale ass to get sunburned out here. I make my way through the field and stop at at end on the treeline that's near Alex's dorm. The window above her bed is open and I hear music coming from it. It sounds like some new pop shit.
I walk a bit closer and put my ear close to the wall, and walk away immediately. I walk up to the suite, hoping my mom isn't in there.
I twist the door knob and find the living area empty. I sigh with relief an walk inside. I smell coffee and walk towards the kitchen, where I find Mikey sitting on the counter next to the coffee pot and Ray sitting at the table.
"Hey Gee." Ray says.
"Sup." I say.
"How are you?" Mikey asks. "You're hair looks great. Did Alex fix it for you?" I can't help but laugh.
"Maybe. Gimme two mugs." I say. He grabs two white mugs. I fill them both with black coffee, I don't know how Alex likes hers, but I hope black is okay.
"Did you really, like actually fuck?" Mikey asks.
"I said maybe." I say and turn to leave.
"Awe!" He says and Ray starts to laugh.
I start walking back to the barn, but when I'm about to get to the girls cabins, I'm tripped by someone. I look up. Jason Cormier. I hate this dude. Before I was home schooled, he was always in my class and he was the biggest bully. That was 6 years ago. I guess he didn't change.
The hot coffee went all over my face and my neck.
"What the fuck was that for?" I ask and stand up. Jason pushes me back down. He's at least a while head taller than me. Great.
"Shut up!" He yells. What the fuck did I even do? I try to stand up again, but he kicks me in the side. I cry out in pain and fall back down again.
"Dude! I never did anything to you? The fuck is your problem?" I ask.
"Stupid goth pussy! Why were you going to the girls cabins? I bet you're gay, huh? Aren't all goths fags?" He says.
"What?" I ask. He kicks me in my side again, sending pricking pain throughout me.
"Just go suck a dick or something, faggot!" He yells and runs off. What the fuck? At least my last few years of school weren't full of those needless beatings and shit.

-another short one-
-I apologize-
-see you all in hell-
-mommy loves you kids-

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