The Dorm

86 8 8

June 1, 2016

-HEYYYYY- my goal for this is 4000 words. It probably isn't going to be, but I'm gonna try------who even cares though, honestly?
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I walk away as quickly as possible without saying anything to Dad. I make my way around the people, scanning the room for Gerard.
I spot him sitting cross legged in a corner, reading some vampire comic book. I start speed walking towards him, no even bothering to apologize to the people I step on or bump into.
Just when I'm about to reach him, I'm stopped in my tracks by scrawny arm wrapping around my waist. The small person squeezing the ever loving fuck out of me squeals at the top of their lungs and screams, "Alex!" Madlyn. God damn mothering fucking little cunt ass fucking bitch this is not the fucking time, Madlyn.
"Hi!" I say turning around. I have to bite my lip and take a deep breath to keep from laughing at what she's wearing. A lime green crop top that says #MADDS in pink, a blue sports bra under it, pink shorts, white flip flops, and she has so many rubber One Direction bracelets I can barely see her arms.
"I'm good! Life is good, and so is God!" She says, eyeing my outfit an throws her head back laughing.
"What?" I ask, faking a smile.
"I was just wondering, um, is Green Day like, an uh, like Emo Gothic holiday? Like, I'm sorry if that insults you." She says, now I laugh.
"No," I say. "It's a band."
"Ohhhhhhh!" She says and nods. I roll my eyes. I feel like crying. She's so fucking stupid! And this place is so fucking irrelevant! 3 weeks. 3 miserable mother fucking weeks at this horrible place, in a small room with no one but this horrible little slippery white bitch.
"Alex! Madds! C'mon y'all! We're gonna go find your dorm!" My dad yells and waves us over it where he is by the exit. Ugh, fucking great, I don't even get to say hi to Gerard.
Madlyn, Madds, skips over to him, and I slowly walk behind her. When we reach the door, I see dad has my one suitcase in his right hand and four pink bags in his left, he also has a Barbie backpack slung over his left shoulder. Madds is like 14, why does this hoe have a fucking Barbie backpack? The fuck? I just shrug it off.
Dad leads us to small building that says 'Elliot 6B' above the door. It's made of wood that's obviously rotting, and the door looks unstable. Madds opens it for Dad and he walks in.
Inside it smells like moth balls and mildew. There are two twin size beds on either sides of the rectangular room. The one on the right has a window above it and the window shows a line of trees, in the distance. I always loved trees. I quickly hop on it yelling, "Dibs!"
I'm kinda happy we got this room because it's the last dorm in the section of dorms. It's also a long distance from the main building and an apartment complex thing, where I'm sure the Ways are staying.
Madds nods and takes a seat on her bed. There's a dresser between the beds. When Madds notices it, she mimics me by calling dibs. I nod.
"You do that." I say. "Is there a bathroom? Like, in this shit hole of a room?" I ask Dad. He shakes his head. Shiiiiiiiiiii.
"The young man working at a booth, Mike? I don't know, told me that you two and the other girls share a bath house." He says. Irritated sigh.
"Ugh." I say. Madds shrugs.
"You know," she says. "It really isn't that bad!" I roll my eyes.
"Okay, I have to go. I was supposed to cook breakfast with your mother earlier, and it's way past breakfast time. Love you guys." He says. Madds hops up to hug him. I cross my arms, looking out the window at the sky. Ugh I wish Gerard was here.
"Behave Alex. And do me a favor, please?" He says. I glance at him sideways.
"Stay away from Gerald or whatever." He says.
"It's Gerard!" I hiss. "And good luck with that." He turns and leaves. Fucking ass clown. Stay away from Gerard? Please bitch.
When he's gone, Madds says, "That wasn't very nice!"
"So?" I spat.
"You should apologize. It hurts our parents really bad when we're mean to them like that." She says.
"Look, I don't care if I hurt them, okay? After all the shit they tell me and all the times they hurt my feelings, I would never apologize. Actually, I don't think I'm mean enough." I say.
"Just shut the fuck up, okay? I'm not in the mood for bullshit." I say. She sighs.
"You just don't want to agree with me. You know I'm right and that you should apologize!" She says. I sigh and snort
"Ha! You're really funny, Madds. You know, I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong." I say.
"Whatever, I'm gonna go get some food. Are you coming?" She asks.
"No." I say.
She rolls her eyes, flips her hair, and sashays away, slamming the door behind her. I lay there for a good hour until a rock hits the window. I stand up on my mattress, Gerard is standing under my window with that fucking smile. There are no locks on the window, so I try to open. It slides open with ease. YESSSSSSS.
I'm 5'2 and I can barely stick my head out the window. It's not even that high.
"Hey!" Gerard says. "I gotta show you something! Hurry before my Ma catches me here!"
"Wait asshole! I'm short!" I call back down to him. He chuckles. I smile. His laugh brightens things up jut like music does.
Okay, think think think! Suitcase!
I pick up the suit case and flop it onto my bed, right under the window. When I stand on it, it helps me reach the window better, but my upper body stenotype is like 0.
I struggle for a bit until I get my legs out of it, then I turn over on my stomach. I start to wiggle my way out until only my shoulders and head were still inside. My feet are still a little far from the ground to the ground. "Awe fuck!" I say.
"Um, here let me help." Gerard says and grabs me by my hips. I let go and let him pull me down. Let go and let God? No, let go and let Gerard.
Once I'm stable and my feet are secure on the ground, I hug Gerard tightly around the middle. I missed his smell, coffee and cigarettes. I'm thankful he doesn't put on an ass load of cologne like every other fucking 18 year old boy does.
"Did you miss me?" He asks jokingly.
I giggle. "No." He pokes me on my side and I jump.
"Lies!" He whispers in my ear.
"Okay, what do you need to show me?" I ask.
"Something." He says. I let go of him.
"Awe, no shit Sherlock." I pur.
"Shudduppp." He says. A few scrawny teenage girls passing by look at us strangely, but I don't give 2 flying fucks.
"Okay, can we go?" I ask. "I don't want my cousin to see me with you."
"Are you embarrassed?" He asks.
"No! Are you kiddingYou're sweet as hell and fucking gorgeous! My dad said I can't hang out with you, and my cousin takes his sided for everything! She would totally snitch." I say.
"Ma said the same. She'll fucking crucify me if she finds out." I nod.
"Well, let's go!" I say.
"Follow me." He starts walking towards the trees. I follow close behind him. Once we reach the trees, he turns and looks at me.
"Tell anyone about this, I will like, never talk to you again." He says.
"Yes sir." He grabs my hand and continues walking into the trees. The only sound is sticks and dead leaves cracking under out feet.
We walk until we reach the end of the trees. Now we stand before a bare field, with nothing but dirt and weeds. "So, a field? This isn't much of a secret. Everyone in Louisiana has seen one." I say. He rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything. We start walking again, at the end of the field, there is another tree line, this one isn't as big as the first.
After we pass a few trees and shrubs, we come across a clearing that has a small barn in the middle of it. "Here is where I come when I need a break. I found it when I was 10, the baptists still owned ACC. We lived right down the road, we still do. One day Mikey was at a friends and I was playing alone. I was in a ditch and I saw a wasp so I ran through the trees, tripped on a root, and fell here." I smile. His cute voice, the way his thin, perfect lips move when he talks.
"Is Mikey the dude with the glasses?" I ask. He nods.
"Yeah. He's my little brother. He still has two more years of high school. I feel sorry for him, even though he's an ass." He says.
"That's cool. Can we go inside?" I ask. He nods and let's go of my hand.
Inside, there's furniture, a fire place, and pictures hung all over the walls. The pictures look like drawings you would see in an art museum. There is a loft and it has a double bed, and a desk with a few lanterns on it. Next to the fireplace, there's a bookshelf that has tons of comic books.
"This place is amazing! Did you draw these?" I ask. He nods and blushes a little, light floods in through the many windows.
"Holy shit! They're fucking amazing!" I exclaim. They're mostly graveyards, monsters(vampires and zombies), and forests.
"Thanks. There isn't a lot of places to sit, sorry." He says and starts to climb the ladder to the loft, I follow.
"Eh, that's cool." I say, taking a seat next to him on the edge of the bed.
"What?" I ask.
"Uh, I dunno. What'cha wanna do?" He asks.
"You." I say, immediately regretting it. Gerard's face turns crimson and I feel my cheeks burning. Awe shit! What the fuck is he gonna think now? Why must I stupid shit. Whyyyyyyy.
His thin lips stretch into a smile and he laughs. I let out a relieved sigh and scoot a bit closer to him. I'm not expecting to get laid, that would be nice, but I wouldn't try to get in his pants on the first date. I push the thoughts aside and just concentrate on what's happening.
I look up into Gerard's big amazing hazel eyes, he hesitates a bit at first, but soon puts his left arm around me, pulling me close. I awkwardly make my way onto his lap. My thighs are resting on either side of his perfect hips. I snake my arms around his neck and twirl strands if his jet black hair around my fingers.
We just sit there, enjoying each other's presence. I think this is the biggest genuine smile that's even been on my face. Gerard's smile is so cute and crooked and cheesy and perfect. I feel safe here with him. I don't wanna go back to the dorm or home ever. Just knowing that I'll have to leave some time makes me wanna cry, but I look at Gerard and I feel okay again. I'm okay now.
"Hey?" Gerard asks.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Do I have permission to, you know...kiss you when I want? I know it's an awkward question, I just feel like a dick cause I kissed you without like, giving you a heads up." He says.
"Dude, seriously? Yes you have my full permission. Do what you want. And I'm totally glad that you kissed me." I say. He quickly nods his head.
I take my fingers out of his hair and cup his face in my hands and slam my lips into his: Out mouths fit perfectly and we move our lips together in sync. Butterflies are going insane inside of my stomach. Out teeth hit each other's a few times, causing the kiss to be broken for a millisecond for us to smile and giggle. Then, back to business.
Our tongues explore the whole of each other's mouths and it's an all out wet and sloppy mouth war.
We pull apart for air and Gerard flops onto his back, his arms laid out around him. I take this chance and lay on top of him. He's breathing heavily and so am I.
" you.... Wanna now?" Gerard asks between breaths. I slip my hands up his shirt and run my fingers against his sides. He bursts out into laughter. He tries to wiggle away from under me, but I wrap my legs around his waist and he's stuck. The bed is creaking and the more I tickle him, the more we inch up to the head board, where my dumb ass bangs my head.
"Oh my FUCKING JESUS! SON OF A mothER FuckING ASS, PIECE OF SHIT BITCH HOLE! MOTHERLESS WHORE! FUUUUUCKK!" I scream in pain as the top of my head throbs.
"Oh my God! I'm so so sorry!" Gerard says.
"No it's not you're fault. I was the one ticking you." I say, rubbing my head with my finger tips. "God I'm such a fucking idiot!"
"No no, it was me, c'mere." He says opening his arms. I don't object. I rest my head on his chest and cling to him, letting warm tears spill from my eyes onto my face.

10 minutes laterrrrrr
Gerard's P.O.V

I feel so fucking stupid! God, why must I fuck things up? Something good finally happens to me and I find a way to be an idiot and ruin it.
"Are you okay?" I ask like a dumb ass. Of course she isn't okay, you fucking idiot! Do something!
"Yeah, I'll be alright. As long as you don't leave me." She says. I find myself smiling. Maybe she doesn't hate me.
"Can I get you an ice pack or something?" I ask. She shakes her head no.
"Nah, I'm just tired. I'm gonna get some sleep." She says. She sounds tired. I rub my hands up and down her back until her breathing gets even, occasionally hitching.
"You awake?" I whisper even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer. When she doesn't answer, I know she's sleeping. I rest my head on one of the pillows and find my self getting sleepy as well.
I wanna stay up and watch Alex. To see her. To hold her. To be I'm her presence. Just to feel her here with me.
The more I think, the more heavy my eyelids get and the more certain I become that Alex would run from me if she knew my thoughts. Alex. Perfect.
I fall asleep with Alex, the perfect girl on my mind and a smile on my face.

~~~~~~HIYA M8-~-()($&@@!(($

Okay I know it isn't 4000+ words, but it's pretty long. Hope you enjoy it frens. I love you, I'll try to update again as soon as possible.

|~|~|<~<me again>~>|~|~|

Idk why I even write these A/Ns. It's not like I have fans or anything besides my friends who kinda have no choice but to read this......ANYWAY........ Thank you to all my readers who aren't my friends! My friends are aMaziNg too thO!❤️🍟🍕👍🐶🔥

\(0•0)/ ME AgAIN /(•.•)\

So if you are reading this and you aren't one of my frens, can you please tell me what you think of the story? And if you like it can you pleaseeeeee followwww????? I know I sound greedy and full of shit and shit but.......IT WOULD BE COOOL TO HAVE FOLLOWERRRRS AND I LOVE YOU!!!

One more's a question.....
Can I be your mother?....please.....??

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