
85 9 2

June 1, 2016

I don't remember falling asleep, but I'm tired as all hell when Mom wakes me up. "Get dressed. You have about an hour to get ready." She says.
"Good morning, mother dearest." I say, sitting up and stretching. "Do I have time for a shower? I feel disgusting." I'm still wearing the dress from yesterday.
"No." She says and leaves. I stand up, pull the dress off over my head, and run out of my room to the bathroom that's next door. I brush my teeth and redo my braids. Then, I put on deodorant. I don't bother putting on makeup fur two reasons. One: I'm still gonna look ugly no matter what, and two; I'm way too tired.
When I go back in my room, I get my Green Day shirt and jeans that are still in my basket. I slip on my shirt and yank on my jeans.
I look at the heavy ass suitcase in my left hand and the flight of stairs that seem to grow longer every second I wait to descend it, sigh.
"Fuck it." I say and throw the suitcase down the stairs and slowly walk to the kitchen.
"Do you want some breakfast?" Dad asks when I arrive the doorway of the kitchen.
"Nah, I'll pass." I say, picking up the suitcase and walking to the front door.
"Okay, we'll just cook when you get back." Mom says to Dad.
"Dad's bringing me?" I ask. Mom nods, sadness and disappointment fill her eyes. Good. Now she can fucking know how if feels.
"Go get in the truck," Dad says. "We're gonna have a little talk on the way there."
Mom raises her eyebrows at me, waiting for my reaction to be an apology. Fuck that. Hell no.
"Fuck my life." Is all I say and walk out the door without closing it, and go to Dad's truck in the driveway.

Thanks for the support and thanks for being the most kick ass squad ever prettydun I-am-Mills-64 rainbowsandshit BlueTheWarrior love y'all

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