moRe thIngS

73 5 8

June 3, 2016

Alex's P.O.V

When Gerard walks out, I get up and walk behind him from a distance. I want to be close to him. I just want to hold him and he held by him. I wipe a tear that falls. When Gerard reaches the door, he turns around.
"Are you okay walking?" He asks. I don't feel as dizzy and nauseous as before. I nod.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"The suite." He says. He sounds hurt and a bit disappointed. "It's where I'm staying."
We start walking into the night. The street lights must be old because they flicker above us. Most people would be scared and find this creepy, but in my eyes, it's fucking awesome.
We come to a stop at a building that kinda looks like an apartment complex. "Stay out here." He says and quietly steps inside.
Minutes later, he comes back out holding some yoga pants and a black sweater. I hug him. He hesitates, but hugs me back. I missed his smell and the way he feels up against me. I pull away and take the clothes. I slip them on over my other shit. Gerard's eyes are glossy.
"Thanks. So much." I say. He nods.
"No pr-oblem." His voice cracks.
I pull him into another hug and we stay there for another 15 minutes while he sobs into my shoulder.
"It's okay." I say, trying to comfort him.
"N-no! It really isn't okay. I thought I fucking lost you! You can't do that. Please, never scare me like that agin. Please." He says. I wipe the tears in his cheeks with my sleeves.

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