Eddie's Shoes

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My older brothers are idiots some times, today is one of those times. My middle brother Edward decided that it was a great idea to call me from the studio at nine o'clock in the morning (after me working all night) from the studio to see if I'd go to the music store for him and Alex. Eddie explained it as he broke a guitar string while screwing around and Alex threw one of his drum sticks at Michael's head and it snapped in half. Alex will be thirty one on his birthday and Eddie is twenty nine but I swear they're children.

I walk around the music store until I find guitar stings. I pick up two packages because I know Eddie quite well and I know for sure he's going to burn through these quickly. I want over to the drumsticks but I don't know shit about them. I kinda wander around the aisle confused until I run into someone.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." I apologize. "I was in my own little world."

"So what running into me is flirting now?" The guy asks and I look to up see Tommy.

"Who said I was flirting?" I wonder and he smiles. "I'm just clumsy."

"What are you doing here anyways?" Tommy asks. "You don't play an instrument do you?"

"All aside from running into six foot rockstars at my place of employment, I do have a life." I start and he laughs. "And yeah, I play piano, guitar, drums, and bass." I explain.

"But you don't sing?" He jokingly asks.

"Not well." I admit. "But my brothers are idiots, Eddie ran out of guitar strings and Alex broke one of his sticks so they called me to pick up the stuff and take it to the studio for them." I explain.

"Why did they call you?" Tommy wonders and I shrug.

"The other options would be their wives or our mother and I can't imagine any of those ending well." I explain and he nods.

"Fair enough." He agrees and looks down. "I like your sneakers."

They're actually Eddie's that I stole from him for no reason other than I wanted to piss him off (I'm a great little sister as you can tell). The design that dances across them is the same design that dances across his guitars. I seriously just took them from his house and he's yet to notice. I wear them a lot for them being about four sizes too big (my foot is a size six and I think Eddie's is like an eight or an eight and a half so whatever that math equals out to be).

"Thanks, I took them from Eddie." I explain with a laugh and Tommy grins. "They're like four sizes too big for me."

"So what are you doing after this?" He wonders and hands me a pack of drumsticks. "These ones are good."

"Thanks and after I drop these off I have zero plans until six, I'm supposed to have Sunday dinner with my family." I admit and he smiles. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Because I just made your plans." Tommy says matter of factly and grabs my arm. "Come on, let's go!"

I pay for the strings and the sticks before walking out to the parking lot. Tommy said we'd go to the studio then to my apartment so I can drop off my car. I'm not entirely sure on why I'm agreeing to this but I have nothing better to do.

We get to the studio and Tommy follows me inside. I'm directed back to the studio room that Van Halen is screwing around in and I walk down there again with Tommy in toe. When we get to the room, Alex looks through the window and waves. In the next second Eddie, David, Michael, and Alex charge the door.

"You're the best!" Eddie laughs and sizes up Tommy. "Hey."

"Hey." Tommy says simply.

"I'm not all that surprised about Eddie breaking strings but why do you need new drumsticks, Alex?" I wonder and he shifts a bit.

"I don't want to talk about it." My oldest brother mumbles and I laugh.

"Have fun recording." I say as I walk towards the door again.

"You're coming to dinner tonight, right?" Alex calls and I nod.

"I really don't need the forty minute 'you're going to hell' speech again." I laugh. "See you later."

Tommy and I walk out into the hallway and he kinda smiles.

"I take it you grew up religious." He says and I nod.

"Roman Catholic, I swear I slept in mass more than I actually listened." I laugh and he smiles.

"I grew up Catholic, my mom still makes me go to mass some times." Tommy admits and I nod.

"My mom too, until '81 we were all still living at home and every Sunday she made us go." I explain.

"Must've been great." He laughs.

"Until you had to explain to the priest that you're not hung over you're just sick because a minor such as myself would never drink underaged." I roll my eyes and he laughs again.

"How'd Eddie and Alex take that one?" Tommy wonders as we make it out to the parking lot.

"They're the idiots that took me drinking." I state and he smiles.

We quickly drop off my car and I hop into the passenger side of Tommy's car. He starts to drive and I'm not even sure where. My confusion must show on my face because Tommy starts to laugh.

"Don't you trust me?" He wonders and I smile.

"Not as far as I can throw you." I state and a smiles crosses his face.

"I'd pay money to see you try to throw me." Tommy laughs and looks out the windshield. "You're so tiny and I think it'd be funnier than hell. As for not trusting me I think you should, I'm a very trustworthy person." He states and I roll my eyes. "We'll have fun, I promise."

This should be interesting.

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