Chapter 6: Andy.

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Ashley had brought this beautiful little thing of a girl in our dressing room... Passed out!
She had woken up and said some things I did register... I just couldn't stop staring at her.
Jade-Lee, her friend had told us but she prefers just jade.
Someone said something about her being hot in those clothes and I instantly snapped back into reality ready to say something.
But they didn't mean good looking they meant like heat hot, she was wearing long sleeves and jeans in this heat? How?!
Okay, Andy back into reality now.
I snapped back just in time to watch her pull up he sleeves to reveal scars... a lot of them... Up and down her arms... both arms... both sides.
She mumbled something about us helping save her...
I couldn't believe someone of her beauty would harbour such negative feelings to be able to do that to herself.
When I snapped back... Yes again... She looked at me then sighed...
I realised I probably looked like a dick I hadn't said OR done anything.

I walked over to where her and Jinxx where basically tangled in each other... Her in tears...I do have to admit I was kinda jealous? I think...

I grabbed ahold of her hand and gently pulled her with me...
"W-what are you doing?!" She just about screamed. 
By now I had her hand in mine tightly pulling her along with me but then she made herself dead weight clearly making some sign she wasn't going anywhere.
So I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. She was a small thing so it was just too easy.
"ANDREW FUCKING BIERSACK, PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW! " she yelled kicking and hitting me. "Nope!" I simply said popping the 'P'
She soon gave up and went limp as I continued carrying her to the bus.
I walked in and placed her on my bunk pulling back the curtain.


"Why?" he said. One simple word.
Why. Why what?... Who am I kidding I knew what he meant.
Ugh. "Jade look at me, look me in the eyes." He said grabbing my hand.
I peered up through my hair nervously. 
"I will never ever ever let you do that again understand ?!" He was almost yelling by now... He seemed to genuinely care... I mean, wait, no, who am I kidding, no one cares.
"You can't be with me every second of the day to stop me," I replied sheepishly worried he was going to get angry with me but seriously, everyone has their slip-ups, recovery for anything is hard, okay?!
"Hmm, Well think of it this way, EVERY time you self harm you're doing what you've done to yourself to me. Maybe not physically but it's affecting me too." he grabbed my hand putting it where is heart is, I could almost feel it pumping through his chest.
Tears start to escape my eyes.
"Don't cry, please," he said, simply pulling me into a hug.
"Andy?" I questioned looking up at him.
"Mmmhm?" His eyes were closed, he looked... I don't know how to explain it, it was like he was finally relaxed after being tense for too long, it was like it was really comforting to have me in his arms ...?
Hahaha, no Jade what are you thinking!?
"Thank you." was all I could manage to get out.
He opened his eyes and looked down at me.
"Any time, beautiful," he said wiping the tears off my cheeks.
"Wow." he breathed out.
"What?" I questioned, instantly worried that I had something in my teeth or dirt on my face or something.
His eyes went wide and he turned away, almost seeming embarrassed. 
"Oh, uh, nothing!" He said
Wait?! Was he blushing!!!?
I turned his head to look at me, which made him blush even more.
"You're cute when you blush!" I said poking his nose, getting up and walking out of the bus giggling.


hiya! I don't know if I'm that happy with this chapter tbh... I don't know I just think I
wanted to do that a bit differently!
anyways! thank you guys so much for the reads :)
you're all so sweet.
so sorry that this chapters smallish I will probably update again tomorrow... maybe even more than once ;)

I'm currently ONLY listening to five finger death punch, I'm a tad obsessed with them as of late

- love T x 

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