Chapter 11: Written letters.

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"We wanted to after our girl Sophie here Let us in on the secret that is your birthday" CC said gesturing to Sophie.
"I... I don't like the attention" I mumbled.
Andy's hand squeezed mine & I looked up at him, he looked... Defeated.
"BUT thank you, I love it !" I said a little to enthusiastic for my liking.
Andy smiled.
"YAAAAY" CC yelled & the 4 guys ran to me giving me a group hug...
"Uh, guys ?... Air !" I gasped.
"Oh right" jake said & they all backed away.
Andy still had ahold of my hand & he dragged me into the lounge room... Where A massive stack of presents where.
"No" I said & everyone looked at me.
"You guys have already done too much for me I can't accepts these" I stated.
Sophie rolled her eyes & I was kind of pained by that.
"We insist" Ashley said handing me a little bag... A present
"From me" he smiled.
"Thank you" I smiled.

Andy guided me to the couch sitting right next to me while the guys & Sophie all say around me some on the floor some on the other lounges.
"Go ahead open it" Ashley pushed.
I opened it pulled the box out opened it & nearly dropped the god dam thing !
It was gorgeous.
It was... It was one of the most beautifulest things I'd ever laid eyes on.
Ashley bit his lip.
"I LOVE IT" I screamed and lunged at Ashley.
"Thank you thank you thank you! It's beautiful !"
"No problem, want me to put it on you ?"
He asked
"Definitely" I said turning around & passing him the box.
I herd the clamp and the weight of it around my neck.
I looked down at the necklace. It was so simple but so amazing.
It was all gold & simply said.
It was
It also had a little turquoise stone attached.
"Thank you Ashley."

After going through all the present which included, more bracelets from Sophie (never cold have to many ;),
An amazing set of earrings from jinx & Sammi, A pair of studded drum sticks with jade on them from CC who insisted on teaching me the drums which I happily agreed to, jake & Ella got me a pair or sugar skull headphones & a goddam IPOD ! I thanked everyone & realised it had already been an hour & it was currently 3 o'clock.
"AAAAAANNNDDDDY !" Someone yelled.
What the fuck.
"Whaaaaaat !?" He groaned.
"Aren't you going to give your present to jade ?" Jinx questioned sticking his head around from the kitchen.
"Oh uh... Yea" he said scratching his head.
"C'mon" he said pulling me upstairs !
"Where are we going !!" I insisted.
"My room..." He said in his amazingly sexy voice.
My mind screamed at me.
"Why ?" I asked starting to get suspicious.
"Your birthday present is in there, why else ?" He asked raising his eyebrows cockily.
He bloody hell knew why else.

Andy reached a black door... Hmm must be his room.
He reached for the door handle & pulled me inside.
"Close your eyes" he insisted.
"Ugh fine" I grunted.

I could hear Andy's feet walking across the floor & a squeak... Like a cage door.
I felt something fluffy against my nose.
"AHHHHHHHH !" I screamed opening my eyes & back up against the door.
Holy shit.
"Do you like it ?" Andy asked.
In Andy's what seemed like huge hands, was a black & white kitten.
"It's so fucking cute !" I screamed carefully taking it from andy & sat on his bed with it.
"Squeaker" I stated.
"Huh ?" Andy asked.
"I'm going to name it squeaker." Is said again.
"Cute." Andy stated.
"I have something else but you can not open it until your back at Sophie's... Alone."
He made it quite clear, alone !
"Okay" I smiled down at squeaker god he was cute.
Andy handed me an envelope.
"Hmmm okay then..."
I said sliding it into my back pocket.
"Open it alone when you get home,promise ?" He said.
"Promise" I lied.
Andy walked out of the room, saying something along the lines of letting me & squeaker have some time together.
I put squeaker in my lap pulling the envelope from my back pocket & opening it.

I've known you for maybe 4, 5 weeks now maybe & they have been the best weeks of my life, you bring me happiness & I'm so sorry I haven't been here physically for you, for you to cry into my shoulder, to be able to hug me because I have to admit, your hugs are that good ;) ( I quote from the night we met) I've shared a connection with you, your the best girl ever ! & I hope you enjoy this little bundle of joy & name him something cute ! Okay getting serious now.
Jade I want you after you read this to call me so I can come over &... Help you throw away your blades.... I know it's a big step but it hurts me when you hurt yourself jade.
The hurt I feel is as if seeing you in physical pain feels as though you've gabbed my heart, torn it in two stopped on it & then cut it into little pieces.
It brakes me to see you that broken.
Jade I care about you & I never want to see you harm yourself again ! EVER !, okay now getting down to why I couldn't just say all this in person.
Jade... I'm in love with you.

Andy xx

No !
This is a joke right.
No it wasn't... Andy's hand writing...
I got up off the bed forgetting squeaker was on me & startling him & pit.
"Oops sorry squeaker !" I ran out the room & down the stairs, passing Ash on the way, "why are you crying !?" He stopped me.
I put my hand to my cheek... Oh I guess I was.
"Where is andy !?" I asked frantically.
I had the letter in my hand.
"Out the back having a cigaret" he said confused.
I ran the rest of the way down the stairs and onto the back yard deck.
"ANDY !?" I yelled... He wasn't here !!!
"Uh jade ?" Someone tapped my shoulder.
I jumper into his arms.
"I love you too" I whispered not trusting my voice.


I tried to make it loner but it just doesn't wanna happen !
Okay so I'm sorry that it's kinda cheesy the way it happened & shit but I couldn't think of anything else.
This chapter is dedicated to my friends Kitten who sadly passed awash today after being hit by a car.

- forever & always T

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