Chapter 16: Tourist.

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Chapter 16: Tourist. *Jades POV*

I woke up in my hotel room.
"Good morning" I rolled over in my bed to see Laura she's one of my oldest friends & she moved here to Australia with her parents when she was 13.
"What's so good about it ?" I questioned.
Australia is really hot & sticky & sweaty so I had only slept in my singlet & very very short pants... Which showed my scars... & my few recent ones.
I know what the going to say, wow grow up, your too old to be doing that, it's a stupid thing dumb teenagers do when there confused.
But it's not.
It's my sanity.
The thing that keeps me sane.
Besides Andrew.
I'm Not going to think about him.
I came to Australia to enjoy myself & forget my problems.
"Well today we are going to do something I think you'll like..." She said.
She's up to something.
I can hear it in her voice.
"Lauuuuraaaaa" I groaned.
"What !?" She said innocently.
I groaned & turned in the bed to face the bed side table where my new phone lay.
A IPhone 4S.
Laura had to teach me how to use it because I hadn't had an iPhone before but I've got the hang of it now.
Putting my pass code in & bringing up twitter I checked Sophie's twitter.
I do this most mornings, go on Sophie & Sammi & all the guy's twitter, just to check there safe.
I nearly chocked when I saw Sophie's last tweet.
'Hospitals scare me'
Why was she in the hospital !!?
I clicked on sammi's twitter.
She hadn't tweeted for days.
I went on all the boys accounts & neither of them had been on for 3 days.
What's happening.
"Uhm jade are you okay !?" Laura questioned.
She'd asked me this about 10 times.
"You look like someone's just told you, your favourite fish just died"
She said with all seriousness.
"Ha ha. I'm fine, uhm so how about I get ready & you come pick me back up in an hour ?"
I needed her to leave, so I could do this.
"Yea sure, sounds good, see you soon my lovely" she responds opening the door & leaving.
I picked up my phone... They might be worried about me.
My mentions have blown up with questions about me & andy & where I am & if I'm safe.
So one tweet couldn't hurt could it.
I miss my friends... & I hope they miss me... They've probably just forgotten about me.
One tweet.
"@Jade_Lee_EatsBrains: Enjoying myself on this little holiday.
Missing some people though :("
That was it.
I turned my phone off, walked to the on suite of my room & started the long process of getting ready.


Unemotional robot.
Andy had never been like this.
The guys said he wasn't even like this after scout & that was 3 YEARS !
These two weren't even dating !
He drunk a lot & we've had to postpone the tour for now.
Andy wasn't stable enough to be able to perform.
All he does is sit in his room on his phone or drinking some alcohol while he stares at the walls.
We've dragged him out a few times but it's no use.
My phone chimed.
But not a text message chime.
A twitter notification.
But... Holy shit.
I only had my notifications turned on for her ! To see if she would tweet & tell us something !
"Enjoying myself on this little holiday.Missing some people though :("
I could hear something smash up stairs, fuck was all I could think before I bolted up there.
Andy wasn't in his room.
I walked to the bathroom & saw him there.
Sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
Staring at the sink.
Staring at a blade.
With dried blood.
Was all I could get out.
I walked over to andy & grabbed his shoulders shaking them & yelling at him.
Don't you understand Andrew, Jade.Is.Alive.&.alright."
After my last sentence andy stood up.
& a little bit of hope sparked through me.
But he simplify grabbed his bottle of alcohol & walked back to his dark room.


I has just finished changing my nose ring when there was a knock on the door.
Laura walked straight in.
I looked at myself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom.
I had black skinny jeans with skulls on them, an also black, singlet with my 3 quarter length purple flannelette over the top, not to shabby.
I walked into the bedroom part & chucked all my bracelets on.
"So what are we doing today ?" I asked Laura.
"Uhm hold on a second" she was texting someone on her phone.
"Okay, done. & we're going to go see a uhh... Friend of mine..."
She didn't seem quite sure on the whole 'friend of mine' thing... She was up to something.
"Okay let's go !" She said pretty much bouncing out the door.
I couldn't help but laugh, she seemed really giddy & excited.

*half an hour later* (sponge bob narrator voice)

Okay I was getting suspicious now.
We'd drove half an hour to see this 'friend' of Laura's.
She pulled up at a nice looking restaurant.
Hmmm okay then.
"Uhm you stay here I have to see if they have our table ready" she said rushing out of the car before I could say anything.
5 minutes later she emerged from wherever she had gone & motioned me to come in.
So I jumped out, wallet & phone in hand & walked my way towards Laura.
She looked even more excited now.
Laura guided me to a table & at that Table sat a blonde. Well from where Laura had stopped me all I could she was the back of this 'friend'.
She had quite long blonde hair & that's all I could really see.
"That's the table, go" she said pushing me.
I don't even know this person.
Before I could spin & turn to Laura she had gone.
& that's when I realised.
The table only seated 2.
As I approached the table. Timidly at that. I grew quite nervous.
I got to the table & oh my fucking zombies.
"JADE!" She screamed pulling me into a bear hug.
Which I accepted & returned just as good.
Jinxx was lucky, Sammi's hugs were the shit.
She motioned for me to sit down & I did.
"How is-"
"Would you Lovely ladies like some drinks ?" The waitress said cutting me off.
"Uhm, sure ill just have a juice please" Sammi politely said.
"& Ill have a Red fanta please"
I said & she scribbled it down.
"No problem" she said walking off.
"Horrible" Sammi spoke.
I gave her a questioning glare.
"You were going to ask me how Andrew is, he's Horrible."
I felt bad instantly.
"They've postponed the tour, because he's in no state perform, jinxx even rang me this morning telling me that CC caught him staring at a blade... With blood stained on it... We've tried so hard Jade. He just won't budge. He needs you now & much as you need him" she said motioning to my wrist which now was showing 2 little cuts.
I covered my wrist up.
& nearly started crying.
Sammi reached over the table and grabbed my hand.
"I...-I-I miss him." Was all I could get out before the silent tears started.
Sammi handed me a tissue & I careful not to ruin my make-up, wiped them away.
"You need to come back, I can see it jade, your eyes give away everything, you need him & he needs you." I couldn't even function words to come out.
The waitress handed us our drinks & I sipped mine slowly. Just thinking.
I was going to go home.
"Please just come-"
Before Sammi could finish i cut her off.
"I'm going home." I probably sounded like I wasn't too sure. Well that's because I wasn't.
What if he hates me & just rejects me for what I did too him.
Sammi seemed to read my mind.
"He doesn't hate you, he misses you" she smiled.
"He loves you, & he won't reject you"
Her face lit up at what I said next.
"Come help me pack ?"

I feel like I haven't really given you guys a proper chapter in forever !
So next part will be up so soon like, I'm writing it now soon so maybe a couple hours or I don't know just soon, I promise.
I nearly chocked when I saw how many reads & votes it has, I know it probably isn't many compared to some stories but, it's a whole lot for me & I thank you all for reading <3

- Forever & Always T x

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