Chapter 27: Controlled the Fangirls & Guys.

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Chapter 27.


Meeting Motionless In White was a big thing for Sky, I could tell she just... Was happy I guess.

"Good morning my love"
Andy said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Morning" I said turning around in his arms.

He leant down to kiss me when Sky rushed into the room.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry"
She blushed.

I got out of Andy's arms.

"It's alright Hun, but what's up I thought you were sleeping ?"

She pulled her phone out and showed me the message.

Fucking hell.

"He doesn't have enough money right now...I took most of it...because well it's mine" She said timidly.

"He'll can some somehow though"
She sighed.

"I'll let all the guys know" I sighed, I handed Sky her pass, it only took a few hours to get to the next venue and she slept through it.

"Uhm, here's your pass you can get anywhere with it so... Maybe you should go while I tell the boys know there reactions" I shrugged.

"You don't have to ask me twice !" She skipped out the door, pass wrapped around her neck.

Andy sighed behind me.

"What's wrong ?" I pouted.

"Nothing, come on we gotta tell the guys" he said.

Something was definitely up...
I'll deal with it later.


Muffled response came from throughout the bus & slowly all the guys where sitting in front of me on the lounges.

"Okay, So earlier today Sky received a message...from her dad."

I saw CC instantly tense.

"He threatened her but as long as she's with one of us at all time she should be fine, she's gone out now but she said her dad wouldn't have to money to come here straight away."

Ashley got up and walked out of the bus suddenly...without a word.

Jake sighed.

"What's up with him ?" I asked.

"You know how he is with stories like Sky's, they really get to him" Jake said.

I nodded and continued.
Half an hour later we'd worked out everything & CC would explain it all to Sky while Jake would to Ashley.

The guys all left the bus & me and Andy where the only ones.

We sat down on the couch and put one of my favourite Shows on, American Horror Story.

(A//N Lauren 😏)

"Are you going to be side stage to watch us perform later ?"
Andy asked.

"Yes, I haven't done that in for what feels like forever !" I said a bit excited.

"Okay well we go on after Sleeping With Sirens"
He said happily.

I groaned.

"What's wrong"
He asked confused.

"Just...When me & Kellin first meet it was just you know I don't know kinda awkward." I mumbled.

Andy nodded like he understood.

"Don't worry he's a good guy" Andy said.

I doubt it.

"Well how long till you guys have to be there ?" I asked.

Andy looked at his phone.

"3 hours, but we have to get ready & dressed and shut before so well probably start getting ready and hour before or so." He mumbled turning his attention back to the TV.

The door burst open just as it was getting to my favourite part in AHS.
The part where the Doctor shows the chick how he cut off her legs.

Nothing better than some good gore.

Ashley said hoping through the Bus grabbing clothes and hair products.

The rest of the guys & Sky followed after.

Sky say down with me & watched AHS while the guys messily & loudly got ready.

Kellin shouted as the rest of SWS started getting off stage.

Kellin following some time after them.

"Hey Jade" he winked at me.

No one was next to me as the big were all tuning & warming up everything.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to see Sky, talking to someone I couldn't quite identify as they had there back to me.

I could tell he was a band member of some sorts by the way Sky's eyes popes out of her head and she was smiling more than ever.

As I got closer to Sky & this guy I realised he was wearing a hoodie with the hood up.

"-and that's how we started if I guess"

I heard him say, I walked up to Sky &
Looked at this guy.


"OHHH so this is Biersacks girl" He said sticking his hand out to shake mine.

"Ronnie" he said smiling.

"Jade, I know who you are" I blushed.

All of a sudden I was picked up from behind and I started screaming.

"LET GO OF ME CREEP !" I yelled and started kicking.

What seemed to puzzle me was that Ronnie & Sky burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah love you too babe" They said and placed me down.

"YOU STUPID IDIOT I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOME CREEP" I said hitting Andy in the chest.

Andy & Ronnie started talking so me & Sky went I the side of the stage.

I was peeking at the crowd & I could see a lot of people with BVB shirts and singlets on.

Sky giggled and before I could aka why she was laughing I was pushed onto the stage.

I heard some of the fans scream and yell my name.

So I decided to make the best of it & I went and sat off the edge of the stage.

I had some time I knew that because they had only just started setting up the stage with BVB's stuff.

Fans where reaching out to me & I made a motion for them to quite down & everyone did.

Wow I felt like I had so much power.

"SO WHOS HERE TO SEE BVB !?" I screamed and the crowd went crazy, a couple boo'd but I didn't care.

I got off the stage & the guards gave me a look like "are you sure ?" & I just nodded my head.

I walked to the barrier & fans started screaming I motioned to them to be quite again & walked to a group of people I could see with BVB shirts on.

"Hey guys" I smiled.

Muffled responses came back from the group.

"One at a time guys I can't understand you's"
I said.

One of the girls didn't talk but just handed me a envelope that said
"To BVB"

I smiled to her "I'll give it to them and make sure they read it"
She had tears in her eyes & a girl next to her pulled her into a hug.

After walking the whole length of the barrier I had 7 drawings of either a member or the whole band & 15 letters for a member or the whole band.

I smiled and the guards lifted me back onto the stage & I waved and walked back stage where SWS, BVB, AA & MIW where all there with there mouths wide open.

"What !?" I questioned.

Ben from AA stepped up first.

"You just went into the sea of Fangirls & guys & didn't get mobbed, you must be Jesus" He said shocked.

"They even did what you said !" Balz from MIW said.

I blushed.

"Well it's just I guess that I'm not one of you guys but I'm connected to you's in a way" I said smiling and looking at Andy.

Who soon came over and hugged me.

"She's a keeper Biersack !" Danny yelled as they all slowly walked away.

"I love you" Andy sighed & kissed me.

"& I love you too" I said smiling before he walked onto stage.

Oh god do I love him.


I want to explain that I have nothin against Kellin nor SWS I'm actually a big fan of there's but this just all fits in with the story okay !?!?






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