Chapter 12: Uhm excuse me ?

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"Promise me you'll open it when your alone ?"
"Promise" she replied.
I mumbled something along the lines of her spending time with 'squeaker' , the kitten I had so thoughtfully got her, I walked downstairs & out the glass doors... I'm too worked up about this... What if she doesn't feel the same way... What if it ruins our friendship ...
Oh god I have to stop her.
At that moment Jade ran through the door... In tears... Oh no I've done it now.
"ANDY!" She screamed.
I tapped her shoulder.
He face lot up & she threw herself at me.
"I love you too" she whispered weakly... Wow I must of really gotten to her in that written letter...

*end of flashback*

"Uhm, Andrew ?" She asked.
I did all I could think of... I couldn't trust my voice.
I leant down & crashed my lips upon hers, I felt her smile into it & I felt all the raw emotions go into that kiss... Like she was letting all her feelings out.
Oh god.
We both pulled away gasping.
"FINALY" we heard a choruses of voices
I turned around to be met with the 7 people who had become a family to me.
The boys of corse who are my brothers, their girlfriends & a girl who was like a sister to me.
We'd become kind of close.
"Oh shut up !!" I heard from my arms.
I looked down to see a blushing jade.
I got down on one knee & I heard Ella giggle.
I grabbed jades hand & her eyes widened as she looked down at me.
"Jade, will you do the honour of-"
"Andrew if you are asking me to marry you the answer is flat out not now but some day"
I knew I instantly blushed at this & I heard a wolf whistle... Probably from Ashley.
"Shall i continue ?"
She simply nodded her head.
"Jade, will you do the honour of becoming my girlfriend"
She looked at me.
She simply straight out stated.
I herd gasps & my own eyes fill with tears...


I know I know ! Who would turn down Andrew FUCKING Biersack but jade has problems !
Thank you guys ! I teared up a bit when I saw 200 reads and like 11 or 8 votes ! You guys are fab ;)
I've started another BVB fanfiction a CC one go read it ! It's called 'I've got a thing for the drummer'
I'll update both fan fics as soon as possible ! Also it was my birthday the other day & I got wretched & Devine FINALY ! & the DVD & well let's just say I cried through it all & at the end I was screaming that it couldn't be the end because or only goes for like 15-20 minutes but oh my god ! Okay sorry in
Blabbering !

- Forever & Always T x

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