Chapter 19: Wide Eyes.

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Chapter 19: Wide eyes.

Andy pulled up at some fancy restaurant, I felt way underdressed.
Rushing to my door Andy opened it.
Wide blue crystal eyes.
I'd never seen him happier.
Could I really make one person this happy ?
"C'mon, we've gotta get in there" Andy said tugging my hand.
Which was now securely in his.

We walked in & I immediately could spot our group.
All in darker colours.
None of them really seemed happy.
They were either pushing the food around on there plates, not even eating or just staring into mid air.
We started making our way over & CC was the first.
"JAAAAAADDDDEEEEEE !!!!" He screamed, causing the whole restaurant to look.
He got up, knocking over his chair & ran towards me.
Scooping me up he spun me round.
"JADES BAAAACK !" Was all I heard before I was crash tackled to the ground by everyone but Sammi & Andrew, who were in hysterics.

"I'm going to have to ask you all too leave. Immediately" some bitchy ass manager chick came and scolded us.

I was bombarded with questions.
Certain ones sticking out.

'Where did you go'
'How are you'
'I FUCKKING missed you, never ever leave again ok !!!?'
And than something unexpected happened.
Sophie slapped me.
"WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK" I screamed out rubbing my cheek.
She just walked away.
Like she left.
... I live at Sophie's !
What am I going to do !
Andy leant down and kissed my cheek "you can stay at mine until you two sort things out" he whispered.
"Uhm, well ok guys what are we going to do !?" CC said once outside the restaurant.
"YOUR GOING TO GIVE ME A PIGGYBACK PEASANT !" I yelled jumping onto CC's back.
"Hey I ain't no peasant !" He yelled back, running in and out of the cars with me on his back.
"I'VE MISSED THIS" he yelled loudly startling me.
"I've missed you" I replied as he set me down & hugged me tightly.
"hey ! Stop hug raping my girlfriend !" Andy yelled from behind us we're the rest of the group were.
"NEVVVVVAAAAA !" CC screamed throwing me over his shoulder and running.
"GET BACK HERE !!" I heard Andrew yell from Behind us, I wanted to yell for CC to put me down but I couldn't stop laughing.
"I'm going to set you down but you run with me ok !?" CC said serious all of a sudden.
"Ok" I said & CC placed me down and grabbed my hand as we continued to run.
But Andy's stupid gazelle legs caught up to us & I was suddenly yanked from CC's grip.
"I wanted my girlfriend back" Andy stated cheekily & CC pouted
"but I missed my best friend !" CC stomped his foot like a 3 year old.
"Well I missed my girlfriend" Andy stayed loudly & then kissing me.
"hey !! " jinxx said loudly from behind us.
"I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND !?" He yelled loudly.
"You are, you all are !" He yelled.
There came a chorus or 'aww's' from everyone.
This moment couldn't get any better.
"I love you." Andy whispered to me.
"I love you too" I whispered back & andy kissed me.
"AWWWWW !" Sammi yelled from behind us.
I pulled away and knew I was blushing.
As I said,

Sorry it's short !!!!
Thank you guys so much for the reads !!!
I never suspected it to get this many so THANKYOU !!!
This isn't the end ! Definitely not the end of it I still have things I want to happen so no, this isn't the end, it's too short for it too end here !!!
I love you all so so so much <3 !!!

-Stay Strong T xx

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