Chapter 40: Digging Up Bones.

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Chapter 40.

~Jade's POV~

"US !?" Allie & Kat screamed at the same time.
"No I was asking the vases behind you's if they wanted to be my bridesmaids !" I said sarcastically.
"OF COURSE WE WILL !" Kat shouted jumping up and hugging me, Allie following after & screaming in happiness.

"Calm down guys, god !" I laughed.
"Okay go finish packing !"
I'd taken them away from packing for tour, Well Allie was helping us pack, she's had experience. Both Kat, Allie & I were going to help with BVB & MIW's merch, mostly MIW but I'm sure BVB will need some help.

I sat on my bed, the contents of my closet & drawers spread out in front of me.
Music suddenly came over the sound system & I laughed, BVB's Love Isn't Always Fair, I actually laughed.
I fucking love the beginning of this song, it's pure brilliance.

As I folded and packed everything, with small breaks & stretches between, all different types of music blasted.
Finally I was done.
Just one last thing.
I rushed into my bathroom & grabbed it, sticking it in under a few things.
I might actually do that on Tour.
I smiled to myself thinking of everyone's reaction.

"JAAAAAADE !!!!" Kat shouted as she entered my room.
"Hmmmm !?" I said, in the middle of pulling my hair back.
she didn't answer.
I walked out of the bathroom & saw Ricky kissing her.
"AW DUDE GROSS, OUT ! OUT ! OUT OF MY ROOM !" I shoved them.
Kat broke apart to laugh, then pushed Ricky away.
Ricky pouted before sticking the finger up at both of us, slowly backing out of my room.
"So what'd you want ?" I asked smiling to myself.
I've finally found a family.
I've finally got everything sorted... Almost.
"We leave tomorrow at 12." She nodded.
"Yeah..." I nodded, I already knew this.
"Wanna go over there tonight, all of us, MIW & now the rest of BVB are here so them too."
I didn't reply straight away.
"We could go over when it gets dark, light some candles around, maybe some music softly and just talk. I know I didn't know Sky, but I think you should all see her before we leave." She hugged me.
"If you organise it, I'll come." I said, my smile not so happy anymore.
I miss her.
I mean for the short span of time she was with us, felt like forever.
We had the best times.
Not too say I don't with Kat & Allie now, i just wish she could be here too enjoy all of this along side me.

"I'll round everyone up, I'll text you the details." She smiled, hugging me before leaving.

I plugged my earphones in & pressed shuffle.
Dig Up Her Bones by The Misfits came on & it reminded me of Sky.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVENT HEARD IT !?" Andy screamed at Sky.
"I mean that I, Sky, have NEVER heard the song Dig Up Her Bones." She said.
"JAAAAADEEE !" Andy yelled.
I'd been quietly listening to Andy & Sky bicker from my bunk.
"HOLD ON ILL PUT IT ON !" I chimed back.
"THANK YOU !" He yelled.
I dug through Andy's bag of CDs & found the one I KNEW had Dig Up Her Bones on it, I own a copy of this myself, that how I knew.

I brought it out to the 'living area' & popped it in the CD player that was in the bus.
"Track five." I mumbled to myself, skipping through until I reached track five.
"I can't believe you haven't heard it !" Andy exclaimed.
Sky shrugged, her hair falling slightly off her shoulder, I took this whole moment in.
At the time I had no reason why but I was glad I did.
"I guess I'm into more of the now bands, like the ones you're touring with not the ones you listen too." She smiled.
Andy nodded his head.
"You love batman so I can let this one slide." He winked.
Sky's eyes went wide when the song started.

Anything is what she is.
Anywhere is where she's from.
Anything is what she'll be.

Sky's head started nodding with the beat & before the first verse had even finished her & Andy were up jumping around and thrashing about, making the bus shake.
Andy sung loudly.


Sky caught on and started singly loudly along.
Andy grabbed me by my waist, we all started head banging and being stupid.

'...Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones...'

The song ended.
I stopped the cd while Andy and Sky collapsed on the lounge, Sky landing her feet in Andy's lap.
"Comfy there ?" He asked.
"Yes, very thank you." She smiled smugly.

I sat the other side of Andy and laid my feet on his lap as well, smiling at Sky.
"Oh so I'm just a foot rest too you all now !?" He exclaimed.
"Yep !" Sky and I said at the same time.
We all laughed.

"My two favourite girls." Andy sighed happily, putting a hand on each of our legs.

For weeks after that she'd listen to the song on repeat, telling us it was now her favourite song."

I'd never seen Sky smile as big as she did that moment besides when she met Motionless for the first time, even then her smile now was bigger and made her face light up, she looked beautiful when she smiled.

Oh how that felt like It was only a few days ago, but it was months.
Oh how I would of killed too know what was going through her head.
Was she finally happy ?
Had she forgotten about her dad and her horrible past, in my mind ?
That smile meant she felt like she was on top of the world.

*7:30pm that night.*

I was gripping into Ricky's hand tightly.
Andy & Kat walking behind us.
I think they understood that in this moment Ricky & I could only be with each other.
We walked from the car to the gate of the graveyard where everyone was waiting.
Kat had her bag full of everything we needed and wanted to stay for a while.

We all said our hello's, me not once letting go of Ricky's hand.

"Come on." Ricky pulled me along.
I was lagging behind everyone.
"I don't like crying in front of people." I mumbled.
Ricky embraced me in a hug and I could hear the soft murmuring of everyone talking fade away.
"You'll be fine, neither do I but it's going to happen, you can't help it love." He hugged me tighter.
"I love you Rick." I whispered into his chest.
"I love you too Jade." He squeezed me once more before taking my hand and walking towards everyone.

We arrived at Sky's grave and tea light candles were lit all around the head stone and around the grave.
Rose petals lay next to each tea light candle.
A small radio I made sure we brand played softly as everyone waited for Ricky & I to sit.

"Have you got it ?" I whispered too Ricky.
He reached into his pocket, pulling out the two silver necklaces.
I was sitting closest to the head stone.
Kat handed me the small garden shovel and I dug a small hole next too her head stone.

A few weeks back Ricky & I got simple solves necklaces with our names on them to do this with before we were too leave.

I placed mine in, kissing it before placing it in, Ricky doing the same before I filled it back up.
The only sound being the soft noise of an unknown, too me, rock song on the small portable radio.

We sat around and shared our memories of Sky.
Drinking little alcohol, smoking (at least for the people who did), shared a few tears.
As we started blowing out candles, it was nearly 3 am, a song I was very familiar with came on.

'Anything is what she is...'

I looked at Andrew & smiled.
Not having too say anything, just keeping that memory between him, Sky & I.

"Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones..."
I sang the last line quietly too myself.


{I'll update in a week, sorry it's kinda short I still have writers block but I know where the stories going so don't stress too much, I'll have an extra long chapter for you all next week, promise x}

~MotionlessInTaz c:

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