Chapter 7: Dedication

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Andy walked slowly behind me back to the dressing room, his head hung low to hide his blush. As we got there all the boys were exiting
"C'mon man we got a show to play!" CC said jumping up and down while hitting Andy in the chest, he really is the energetic crazy one.
They all ran off waving at us.
Sophie and I looked at each other and just had a shared look of shock and then laughed and walked to where we were to be seated. Very front row in a VIP section, so cool!

The boys played Fallen Angels first which was one of my favourites so I wasn't one to be complaining.
They played a series of songs after that including of:
Sex & Hollywood
Knives and Pens
The Morticians Daughter
Rebel Love Song
and Rebel Yell

They stopped and Andy's eyes searched the crowd
Everyone cheered, of course.
He stuck his hands out motioning them to quieten down.
"We have one more song to play but before we do I want to say something." He cleared his throat and looked at Ashley beside him before smirking.
"I'd like to dedicate this song to one of the strongest people I've ever met and anyone else who has ever struggled with their mental health. JADE, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU !" He yelled.
The familiar guitar strum of one of my all-time favourites of theirs.
Andy was looking through the crowd until his eyes finally found me.
My eyes threatened to spill the tears suddenly welling, it almost felt like I had been knocked off my feet.
He sang the whole song looking into my eyes... Like the song was written for me.
The crowd cheered as I just cried quietly trying to get myself back together. Andy thanked everyone for coming out to see them and walked off of the stage with the rest of the boys, waving as they went.
"C'mon let's go back to the dressing room to see them!" Sophie whined tugging my arm.
I just nodded not trusting my voice at this very moment.


I knew to dedicate the song to jade was a good idea, the boys patted my back telling me it was a great idea and how much it had probably meant to her.
I just needed to see her, the look she was giving me in the crowd. I just wow.
I felt very happy I had had the idea to do that.
Did I come up with the idea about halfway through the set?
Yep. I hope she didn't mind me doing that. What if she hates me? It's not like I told them who Jade was.
God, I needed to calm down! I was pacing around scared like a teenage boy waiting to ask his crush out. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my twitter trying to ease my nerves.
There were a lot of tweets about 'the jade'... Oh no she's going to hate me!
I stopped when I saw this one tweet though.
"What if Jade and Andy are dating, she's probably his new girlfriend!?"
I was speechless. I favourited the tweet just to make things interesting.
I'm really just evil, I had a little laugh to myself, sometimes fucking with the fans is fun.
I got up to get a bottle of water but before I could the door to the dressing room flew open...


I still can't speak and Sophie and I are nearly in the dressing room. I ran ahead of her and pulled the door opened as fast as I could. He was just standing right there.
I ran up to him and wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist to which he happily picked me up.


Jade ran at me and I genuinely thought she was going to strangle me... Quite the opposite actually, she just jumped into my arms.
She started quietly sobbing and I once again took her to the bus placed her on my bunk.
"A-a-andy, I-i" she stumbled out, not being able to form any coherent sentences.
"Shhh, it's alright," I said laying her head on my chest and running my hand comfortingly through her short hair.
She looked up at me, her eyes just might be the most mesmerising I've ever seen.
I towered over her, even sitting down.
"Andy?" She asks,
"Yes, beautiful?" I reply.

The Unexpected, Fallen Angel. (Andy Biersack Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now