28 | recreate

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28 | recreate


This is not a tutorial.

This is a guide on how to recreate edits that you see.

So, what I do for inspiration sometimes is I look up cool graphic edits. This will get you a load of results, some of them will look unbelievably easy, however a lot will look hard.

But they aren't that hard, are they?

Here are the rules for recreating popular edits:

Step 1.

Break it down.

You hear this so many times, and it's the same in graphic designing/editing.

You need to be able to find the simple shapes and images in an edit.

Step 2.


What could go wrong? You always have a second chance, so don't be afraid to try something, and even if it doesn't work, remember that at least you found out that that particular thing doesn't work, and it helps narrow things down.

Step 3.

Know that although a lot of edits are done in Photoshop, a combinations of apps can recreate the same thing, but you will have to follow step 2.

Step 4.

Put your own twist on it.

If you can't get it to be exactly the same, that's fine! besides, you want to have SOME kind of originality, don't you?

Make it your own thing!

I hope this guide helped, now get exploring!


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