kyutae- Review

566 42 3

Name: Suki

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Name: Suki

How long: 1.5 - 2 years

Personal score: -


Colour and composition: I love the red, however there is a bit too much green in their faces...

Score: 13

Image quality: Great! I love these topaz settings, but there is a slight "blur" around each of the models, so maybe adjust your accenting.

Score: 20

General idea and originality: This style is certainly gaining popularity, and so I can't give you many points for originality, however I like how you placed the subtitle and doodles to make it complement the models, rather than distract from the rest of the image. I'd suggest making the space between the text lines smaller though.

Score: 18

Beauty and Technique: I actually really like this style of graphic, and the minimalist look was awesome, but I wish there were a bit more doodles around the models.

Score: 16

Overall score:


Now before you get said about this grade or the comments, let me say that I doubt I will EVER give anyone anything above 90. I would only give most of my graphics around a 70. So take it easy, and look at my comments constructively. Good luck on your graphic endeavours!

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