85 | ultimate rules

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85 | ultimate rules


Now I've already done a do's and don't, but I feel like I've learnt even more since them, so here's some things that you must know!

#1) The text is everything. A lot of people spend so much time on the image in a cover, and though that is soo very important, people often forget about the text. Sometimes I just wish I could get rid of the text altogether, but of course you can't do that! So sometimes you will have to sacrifice some beautiful images, for the sake of legibility.

#2) Sacrifice. Like said above, sometimes you must sacrifice some resources for the sake of the cover. Of course that can be very hard because you spent so long on that specific thing, but you have to learn to let go!

#3) Less is more! Your cover shouldn't be so crammed with things that you don't know where to look! This also ties in with number one and two. The model/s should almost always be the main focus, because that's what the book's about lol, but sometimes they may want object based covers, and in those cases I suggest not adding too many textures, and keeping it simple. 

And that's all for now!

Hope that helped!


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