~9~ Naming, Adopting and Hating.

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~Eleanor's P.O.V~

After three exhausting hours of birth, screaming and pain, I finally had the baby.

"Congratulations, Miss Calder. It's a baby girl." The doctor smiled, handing me my beautiful baby girl.

"What are you going to call her?" Danielle asked.

"Uh, I quite like the name Skye..." I smiled, playing with her little strands of hair.

"Skye... It's perfect." Louis smiled at me.

"She has to keep that name. They aren't allowed to rename her! She has to know she's adopted! So I can go shopping with her when she's older. Please, Lou? Please?!" I cried.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell them not to change her name. My beautiful little Skye."

"She will always be ours. Adoption or not. She's always going to be my little princess." I smiled, she opened her little eyes, perfectly blue like Louis' are.

The boys came in to see her, at this point Louis had her.

"What did you call her?" Liam asked. "She's gorgeous."

"Skye, isn't she?" I smiled.

"Jeeze, El! You look exhausted!" Niall laughed, looking at me.

"Niall! I just gave birth! What do you think?!" I laughed back.

"I wouldn't be tired. Nope. Not one little bit." Niall states, seriously.

"Oh yeah. Have a sex change, get pregnant and we'll see about that." I protested.

"I shall." He smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.

"Who's the god parents?" Perrie asked.

"The boys are all her uncles, obviously. You guys are like her aunties, but Danielle and Liam are the god parents, that's what we agreed on, right, El?" Louis asked. "Because they're the most sensible?" He laughed.

"Yeah." I smiled.

Skye was wrapped up in a pink blanket, three days later we got out to take her home, we went to an adoption service a week later, after trying what clothes fit, what don't, and what will.

"What's the beautiful little girls name?" The nice woman asked.

"Skye Tomlinson." We said in sync. I looked at Louis and smiled.

"And, you're married?" She asked.

"No, not yet." Louis smiled.

"Ah, so, what kind of family do you want her to go to?"

"One with an already born girl! Or boy! So she has a big brother or sister to look after her. Not too much older though, about four or five, so they will be young enough to play with her when she's old enough to play and when they're old enough, the older brother or sister can protect her. They have to be a nice, caring family!" I stated immediately.

"Alrighty, I'll see what I can do."

A week later we were called in again with Skye, there was a couple in maybe their early thirties or late twenties? With a little girl and a boy about the same age, about four? Most likely little twins, just not identical.

"Louis, Eleanor, this is Jane and Matthew. You said you'd like a family where she could have an older brother or sister, so I got both. An older brother to protect her from boys when she's older, a sister to give her hair and make up lessons and shows her how to dress, things like that, when she's older. They're a very sweet family too, I've been talking with them, the little twins are cute, very excited for their new little sister, Jane and Matthew are very happy about it, if you agree with them that is, they're a very sweet family, a perfect home for Skye. The perfect family."

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