Chapter 2

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I walked into class prepared to give my essay. I sat down and put my head down since I was early.
"So he really freaked," a male voice said coming through the door as others laughed.
"Seems like we aren't the only early birds," a girls voice made me raise my head to see the smiley brunet, 'wow' boy, Zay, a blonde having the same idea as me with more sleep, and a cowboy?
"Hi, I'm Lucas, this is Farkle (wow boy), Riley (smiley), Maya (sleepy), and Zay," cowboy said sitting in the spot he did yesterday.
"So where did you move from," Farkle said sitting upfront of me.
"England," I spoke. They looked shocked, Maya put her head up and looked at me.
"Say that again," she smiled.
"What, England," I asked smiling clearly she was amused by my accent.
"Oh my. You, your voice," Riley said cheery.
"My accent, yeah, kinda why I don't speak much," I said a little embarrassed.
"And I thought Lucas and Zay had an awesome accent," Farkle smiled.
"I do have to admit you sound better," Zay laughed.
"Did you really come from England," Lucas asked.
"No, I just wanted to mess with you, of course I did," I smiled.
"I like you," Maya smiled.
As everyone came into class I stopped talking, they seemed to notice I didn't want people to hear so they turned around.
"I say you should be showing off your accent than hiding it," Farkle whispered to me before turning around as Mr.Matthews came into class.
"Ms.Morris do you have that essay," I nodded yes.
"Would you like to present," I looked at the group and even Maya was shaking her head yes.
I stood up and walked to the front of the class and took a deep breath, "My name is Caitlyn Catalaya Morris, I was born in England on April 4. I have one sibling. I've recently moved to New York with my grandmother, and from what I can see I'm going to like it," I smiled at my new friends.
"Thank you Caitlyn, any questions," everyone's hands shot up, "oh boy, uh. Zay"
"When you said you might like it what did you mean," he smiled.
"It seems nice here, in fact it's awesome here," I said happily.
"Missy," Mr.Matthews said a little quieter.
"Oh boy," Farkle sighed.
"So Caitlyn, are you really British," I nodded yes, "well you just met your new bestie," she smiled.
"Sorry those spots are filled,sure next time," I said. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Farkle smile.
"Okay now that we are done let's get to the next lesson, War," Mr.Matthews wrote on the board as I sat down.
"Yay," Farkle cheered. All I could do was giggle.
........ Lunch ......
"You are sitting with us right," Riley asked.
"Of course, I mean from the looks of things you guys are cool," I smiled at her.
'BZZT, BZZT' my phone rang,
"Excuse me," I said walking into the hallway.
"Hello," I answered.
"Hi, is this Caitlyn Morris," a voice that sounded to familiar called out.
"Yes this she," I answered.
"I have a surprise," the person said.
The group came out into the hallway and smiled.
"I'm sorry who is this," I asked.
........... To be continued ...

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