Julia Howard

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Julia Howard is an interesting person to say the least but she was there for me when I've arrived to the new house and I was rejected and being made fun off. I meet her everyday at our neighborhood bus stop and often times share a seat with me while she talks with her many friends on the phone while I read. Although, if I was to be late she'd surely kill me cause she's my only social interaction throughout the day and she feels as though I need someone to interact with me. 

Today I met her at our regular spot and she was on her phone as usual. She looked like a young celebrity; poised, popular, and always photo ready as usual. But she has many sides to her character and I guess that's why she's able to talk to anybody and relate to almost anyone. In the bus, I usually don't enjoy socializing or even interacting with other adolescents. They're all so loud; always laughing, screaming, and taunting each other. The noises of the school bus can easily be compared to the sounds of the rain-forest at nightfall.

"Ally!" Julia exclaimed. I jolted out of my thoughts and looked at the curly-haired blonde sitting next to me


"Oh look, it speaks," she responded sarcastically.

"Shut up," I said while playfully punching her arm.

"So what were you thinking about? You seem pretty out of it today."

"Um...nothing really. I was just thinking." We sat in silence for a moment until Julia asked the one of the most avoided questions.

"So, who are you going to the dance with?"

Oh shit! The annual school dance... It can only be described as the night where the girls frolic around in their way to extravagant dresses, look like hookers with the insane amount of makeup they wear, and drown themselves in cheap ass perfume. The guys awkwardly hang around the corners drinking that god awful punch praying that someone's spiked it and literally bathe in cologne. It's fairly obvious that I'm an anti-social freak who's never been to a dance and bases all communal experiences from reading and sappy teen movies.

"Cheer up Allyboy! I'll find someone for you." Julia said almost sympathetically. Those words were not taken lightly because in the short time that I've known her, I've learned that Julia Howard is the worst matchmaker in the world. I would very much like to avoid joining the long list of failed relationship attempts that she's created throughout the short amount of time I've been here.

I know that I'll have to find someone to go with sooner or later or else Julia will either force me to go with a date from hell or will murder me. It's not quite fair that I'm friends with a girl who's insanely popular, intelligent, and is going to the dreaded dance with supposedly one of the most attractive guys in the entire school. Attractive? I don't think so. An imbecile? Definitely!

Well, she's going with him because he likes her even if he can't add two plus two together. Honestly, how can anyone not like Julia? Although I don't like her in the romantic sense cause she's more like an annoying little sister to me than anything else. Plus I don't think anyone's ever liked me in that way I mean why they would? In comparison to Julia where she's beautiful, and outgoing while I on the other hand am quiet and plain.

"Not helping," I accidentally said out loud while batting with my brain. The latter most definitely won the battle.

"What did you say?" Julia asked, looking at me with concern in her honey colored eyes as she twirled her natural dirty blond hair between her fingers.

"Sorry. It was nothing," I mumbled, "Why are you asking me about the dance anyway? It's in a month."

"BECAUSE!!! It takes a lot more than a day to find a date willing to go, create the perfect outfit, and plan a memorable evening!"

"Whatever you say oh queen of overthinking," I responded sarcastically as I turned my head to look out the window for the rest of the ride. After twenty minutes, we arrived to our destination and got off the bus.

I despise most schools in general and trust me I've been to a ton of them and they're a huge waste of time. Why? Because there students learn things that they will most likely never use again in everyday life. School would be much more practical and efficient if we were taught things that would actually benefit our future. Like how to balance a check book, perform a successful interview, or even do taxes would be more helpful.

High school is the worst though. Who's idea was it to stuff a shit ton of emotional and hormonal teenage assholes into a small crowded area in hopes of preparing them to join civil society when in reality there is no such thing. High school is stressful, it questions your decisions and makes you question yourself. 

So when we arrived to the prison, where I and countless other unfortunate prisoners would remain for the next eight hours, Julia and I separated to got to our classes. It's fairly obvious that Julia and I do a lot of things together. Of those activities, lunch is our most cherished one. 

My school's cafeteria is basically like every other shit-hole school's I've been to. At every school there are always those stereotypical cliques. Of course there are the supposed jocks, geeks, the band kids, the popular crowd, and plenty more. I've never really believed in labeling a person since I'm used to being labeled as a freak, unwanted, and psycho. 

You never know, the popular kid sitting at the lunch table surrounded by a crowd of adoring fans, could have been considered a dork years before. That person could have constructed their empire of popularity by hiding who they really are. No one deserves to hide just to feel accepted. But there are some ho back away and don't join any groups or conversations. I'm one of those people mostly because I don't fit in with any particular crowd. If I do try to sit with a group, the people either stop their conversations and stare at me like I'm an alien or they just spew insults at me. 

At least I have Julia. She doesn't stay in one particular crowd, kinda like me. The only difference is that she is a floater, which means that she is able to hop from one crowd to another with ease. I have no idea how she does it but Julia is FREAKING FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE! If only I knew her secret for her success in sociality. Then I could find the cure for anti-socialism, which is a common and contagious disease found in teens that is spreading rapidly throughout the nation. 

After lunch Julia and I went our separate ways, where she would spend her next free period talking to her many normal teenage friends while I on the other hand went to the school's library to recharge as most introverts do.  

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