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Hiya! So I was tagged by @anothercrazyalien and I'm bored, tired, and procrastinating so I thought I'd finally do this. Just letting you know, I won't be getting that personal but I'll try to answer all the questions as truthfully as I can. Also you guys probably know the rules after seeing the tags on this site all the time so without any further ado... here are the question/answers

The questions are:

1. Name

2. Relationship status

3. Crush

4. Height

5. Birthday

6. Best girl friend

7. Best guy friend

8. Last song you listened to

9. Last time you cried+why

10. Last time you laughed+why


1. My full name is pretty long, there's 5 surnames plus my middle name (I'm Latina). But I go by Isa which is short for Isabela and my middle name is a beverage... I'll let you guys guess 

2. I'm single as fuck. Dating's not really my forte 

3. Don't have a crush cause I don't really like people all that much lol

4. I'm short... like really short. Less than 5 ft short 

5. My birthday is Octoberjlkjljljlkjljlk (no one can know!!!)

6. I'm apart of a pretty big group of friends but my best friend's name is Jules and she's my other half and complete opposite, meaning she's the Phil to my Dan. 

7. My group also has guys in it, but the guy I'm closest to is named Ben and he's like a brother to me. A brother who's awkward, plays poker, loves Disney movie soundtracks, and eats my food

8. I listen to a lot of music and different genres (except country... never country) but the last song I listened to was Rap God by Eminem ( I was trying to memorize the rap no shame :P)

9+10. Well the last questions go together cause I was watching a Markiplier video and I found it so funny it made me cry/laugh at the same time. It's called I Want To Believe: Revenge of the Septiplier here's the link if you wanna watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7MKiaIVAbM (4:50-5:16 made me lose it)

Well there you guys go! That's the end of the useless stream of info but thanks for reading anyway. 

I TAG....








Stay weird- Isa

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