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(A/N kinda important!) Special thanks to my wife imlestrade666, my queen Starryeyedphan,and my inspiration  Tronnorislyfe for being my friends and my wattpad family! Enjoy this chapter my lovelies! - Isa<3

11:19 pm

Luke's friend, Colin Fulton, drove Luke and I home. Illegally I assume, since he doesn't have a license or his own car... he was our only ride. The car ride was long, and Luke was sitting next to me but he didn't say a word so we sat in silence, almost as if we were unsure of what to say or do. I couldn't stop staring at him, he was so calm and handsome, and I honestly didn't know how I felt after "that" happened. I just wanted to get to the house as soon as possible just so I could unwind and replay what happened in my mind. When he parked in front of the house I immediately jumped out, yelled thanks, and then ran directly inside.

Why am I in such a a rush to get into the dreaded house? Well, I need to go to the one place where a can have a little privacy. No, it's not my room since I have to share it. I need to go to the "sanctuary." In every house I've ever lived in, I've found a place were I can feel almost safe and be alone. In this house it's the attic... to get there quietly without disturbing everyone else's slumber, I walked through the hallway; looked up to see the ceiling door, and the pulled the string to bring the attic door down. The attic is just a small room, surrounded with boxed and there's only a single light bulb to provide a dim light to see. It's still a pretty shitty place, even when I moved the abundance of boxes and rearranged the old leftover furniture, but it's all I got.

When i got there I quickly went over to one of the old armchairs and started to text Julia.

Alex: Uh... hey. We need to talk

She responded back only a few seconds later.

Julia: Ok. What about?

A: Luke

J: You like him don't you...

A: No.Maybe. I don't know and you know that I don't believe I'll find love

J: Well you're a liar cause I know you like him. Maybe even love him...

A: Jerk

We stopped texting for a bit and I thought about what she said. Love... love is not for me. Suddenly my phone buzzed with a notification and I checked it. It was Julia of course.

J: Just think about it Alex

I did think but I'm not sure what love feels like. I had never experienced it first hand; not when I was young, not when I moved around homes, and defiantly not with a person besides maybe Cassie or Julia but neither of those were intimate. My focus drifted as i slowly began to nod off to the welcoming world of sleep. Still wearing my outfit and shoes from the dance, I cured up on the chair and drifted to sleep. My dreams were filled with images a hazel eyed boy.


"Hey..." A distant voice said, and I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder.

"Hmmm," I mumbled, still half asleep and groggy from my night in the attic.

"Wake up," the voice said gently, this time jostling my arm in hopes of waking me up.

"What?" I said as I rubbed the sleep out of my tired eyes. Seth was hovering over me.

"Fuck Seth!," I exclaimed," You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry... You didn't come back to the room last night and I was just wondering where you were and this was the only place I could think of."

"Well you thought correctly," I said as I stretched and got up from the chair, "God I probably look like crap." I realized that I was still wearing the clothes from last night. Last night... holy crap. Seth just stood awkwardly, almost as if he was unsure of what to do but also like he knew about some secret that i wasn't informed of. Strange.

"Seth get out so I can get ready." He left quickly and began to climb down the steps.

I left the attic and walked towards my room. When i arrived I went to my drawer, grabbed some clothes, and started to get ready. I put on some jeans, a T-shirt, and a beanie. Saturday clothes. I looked at my clock and saw that it was already nine in the morning so I decided to head downstairs.

Jade and Violet were sitting on the living room floor watching Spongebob while Seth was laying on the couch and reading a comic.  Ms. Ford was sitting at the dinning table, sipping her morning coffee and scrolling through her phone. It looked like a normal morning. Normal. That's an unfamiliar way to describe this house.
I began to move towards the kitchen counter and grabbed a bowl and spoon. The cereal and milk were already placed on the counter. No one talked for the rest of breakfast.


It's Tuesday now and I honestly don't know what to think anymore. It's been about five days since the dance and I can't wrap my head around what happened. Luke comforted me, he... kissed me and he hadn't shown any sign of being fazed by it. Passing him in the hall he looked the same as usual. Dressed in a flannel shirt, black skinny jeans, and sneakers. His eyes bright and his smile never wavering. God this boy...


"Well what?" I responded, acknowledging Julia presence and question.

"What are you gonna do about him?"

"No clue." I started to head over to my desk and Julia followed me.

"Seriously Allyboy, you have to so something. You can't just walk away from this!" she exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"What do you think I should do then?"

She thought about it for a second, then asked, " Do you like him?"

"Why?" My heart beat quickened

"Cause if you do like him, then you let your heart tell you what to do. If you don't then live your lives as friends and only friends."

"I don't know what I feel." I was being absolutely honest. I don't know how to express emotions and some feelings have no way to be articulated since they are unexplainable. Perhaps this is one of those rare feelings.

"Then do nothing." Julia walked away from my desk and the bell rang to signal that class had begun. I wanted to yell at her. I just wanted her to understand.

Another day passed and still nothing. Not even a hint that something had happened. All day at school it felt like he was trying to avoid me. Was he? I decided to follow Julia's advice and did nothing. Turns out that was the best advice she could give me.

I was at the house. Alone in my bedroom and laying on thr floor, cramming for a history test, when I heard someone knock on the door. It had to be Seth since everyone barges in except for him. I got up to answer it, dressed in my boxers and a gray sweater.

"Yes?" I said while carefully opening the door just a crack. No one was there. Confused I looked around the hallway and saw something peculiar at the foot of the door.

It was a bottle. It was about the size of my index finger and a tinted brown color. There was something inside of it. Quickly I scooped it up and then retreated back to the room. I sat on my bed and pulled the cork off the bottle. Shaking the bottle gently, the contents fell our and landed in my open palm.

It was a little folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and read,

"I know that it's a bit reckless of me to ask but, will you go on a date with me? - Luke"

That sentence... that single sentence was my fate and I was surprisingly okay with that. We'll make it work. Somehow...

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