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( Warnings; Mentions of abuse, panic attacks, bullying, violence, strong language, and fluff!!) 

P.S I know that fluff doesn't need a warning but I just wanted put it in there to let you know that his story isn't all angst and triggering shit lol

The pain was the first thing I registered when I regained consciousness, finding myself sprawled on the cold tiled bathroom floor. My head was killing me, slowly pounding against my skull like the beat of an obnoxious drum. I groaned as I rolled to my side, taking in the fact that I had to start getting ready for school. "Shit," I mumbled to myself as I carefully rose to my feet to go take a shower. It was difficult, shooting pains spread through my body resulting in a tingling sensation spreading through my arms and legs making it hard to get up. It took about ten minutes to fully stand, steadying myself with a tight grip on the bathroom vanity. I glanced at the clock on my right, realizing that it was already half past seven meaning that I had only twenty minutes to get ready and go to school. 

Wanting to get the feeling off dried blood and the sensation off rough hands off my body, I gingerly removed my blood stained clothes and entered the shower with a sigh. The water burned. Not a soothing heat that relaxed the body or calmed the mind. It felt like liquid fire  drenched my skin as it tried and failed to wash away the marks and memories that rattled my being. Tears welled up in my eyes but I would not let them fall, instead the water pouring above me substituted the sounds of my distress by drowning out the thoughts in my head and replacing it with numbing pain and white noise. I got out of the shower and I found myself in front of the mirror once again, only this time a towel was tightly wrapped around my waist and I shivered from the lack of warmth from the numbing water. I looked down to see my dirty clothes on the floor and decided that I would have to change into to something clean in order to not draw attention to myself. Quietly, I opened the door and peaked my head out to check the hallway. No one was there so I took a deep breath and walked across the hall to my shared room, praying that Seth was either still asleep or downstairs. When arrived at the door I carefully turned the knob, grateful that the room was empty as I walked in. 

I closed the door soundlessly behind me, locking it for good measure. I made my way across the bedroom to get to my closet. I grabbed my clothes, carefully putting on my most comfterable clothing meaning my black joggers, a dark long sleeved t-shirt, a gray hoodie, and my regular converse sneakers to cover the cuts and bruises. Once I thought that I looked presentable enough I decided that it was time to tackle an entirely new battle... my face. The blood was gone, but what remained was a black eye, cut lip, and a verity of bruises. I settled on using my dark hair and lifted up my jacket's hood to shield my face rather than wear makeup or cover my injuries in bandages. I grabbed my backpack, wincing as I threw it over my shoulder and silently trudged downstairs. I walked halfway down the steps and peeked my head over the banister to view the kitchen. 

All the kids were downstairs, sitting around the kitchen table, which was a strange sight in itself but what alarmed me was that they all looked absolutely terrified. Jade was playing with her cereal rather than eating it, Violet was staring blankly at a wall and tightly holding her teddy bear with a vice like grip, Seth was fidgety and there was an obvious aura of anxiety surrounding him. They must have heard what happened last night... I looked around the rest of the room, seeing no sign of an adult male which allowed me to take a breath of relief. Ms. Ford was in the kitchen as well but her back was turned to me because she seemed to be washing dishes. I didn't want anyone noticing my presence so I stepped downstairs, avoiding the kitchen going towards the front entrance. Before I walked out the door, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Ms. Ford turn in my direction. She didn't notice me, but I could clearly see her. She looked visibly shaken with a cut lip and sporting a prominent bruise on her cheek that wasn't there the night before. 

Yellow (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora