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Warning! (Violence, abuse, strong language, homophobia, panic attack...  just be careful guys) 

My heart dropped as I stared into the furious bloodshot eyes of Ms. Ford. Panic quickly set and my body started to physically shake with fear of what could come. 

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered,  feeling the oncoming attack slowly settling in. I couldn't breath properly and I couldn't completely register what was happening. There was just sound; distant screams from my memory, and the deafening pounding of my heart.

"You're sorry?!?" Ms. Ford slurred, slowly stepping closer and closer to me. Her movements were uneven and sloppy. I could tell that the alcohol that she had obviously consumed impaired both her coordination and judgement. It wasn't until our noses were practically touching when she screamed, "I don't give a shit if you're sorry! I wanna fucking know where you went!"

I didn't register the slap until I felt a stinging pain spread on my cheek and as I reached my shaking hand to touch it, another figure entered the room.  It's shadow was large, definitely bigger than me with a staggering height and broad shoulders. It moved in a similar fashion to Ms. Ford. Soon enough I was met with the shadow's owner. It was a man. He was dressed in a worn flannel shirt, jeans, and boots. His hair was dark like a raven's as was his short beard. His eyes dark and tired but what alarmed me the most was that he carried an almost empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. 

"What's all this noise about?" the man asked gruffly probably not even caring about the answer but wanting to pummel whatever and whoever disturbed him.

"Sorry Johnny it's nothing. Go back upstairs I'll be there once I finish up with the kid," His sinister looking eyes slowly turned to me after Ms. Ford mentioned my presence and he glared at me with a prominent anger. 

"What'd he do?" the man, Johnny, asked quietly in a calm tone. Almost too calm for my taste.

"It's not really your problem babe. I'll just..." 

"What the fuck did he do!" Johnny interrupted. I shut my eyes tight as the small house almost shook at his incredibly loud shouting. It was truly terrifying and Ms. Ford looked nervous but she glared at me nonetheless, expecting an answer to his question. 

"I-I w-was out... sir," I stuttered softly. Fear spreading through every limb in my body with every pump of my frantically beating heart. Johnny responded by grabbing the nearest piece of furniture, which was a small table, and promptly smashed it into the wall near me. I gasped at the sudden violent movement and then remained completely still but my breathing stayed uneven and quick. 

"Out?!? Out with who, you bitch?" I hesitated with my response, looking instead at my foster parent. Maybe because I thought she could help me... protect me. I saw the closed fist hurtling towards me before I felt it. Tensing my body, I braced myself for the impact before a blinding pain rippled through my nose and cheek. Blood slowly dripped from my face both from my quickly bleeding nose and the long cut on my cheekbone from when the man's ring slashed my face with the punch. 

"W-with a b-b-boy sir," I answered shakily. I could feel each bead of sweat form on my forehead as each passing second grew with increasing hostility. 

"Oh a boy," he mocked," must have been a cock sucking bastard if he's hanging out with a low life like you!" Usually I'd stay silent and just take comments like that without even a wince but this time something inside of me snapped.

"No he's not! He's kind, funny, and amazing and I love him!"I argued, blinded by my stubbornness and stupidity to fully realize the consequences that I would face with just that outburst. Johnny's  face slowly morphed into a deep scowl as he practically shook with rage. I shrunk back, not knowing exactly what was gonna happen next although I had a pretty good idea. 

All of a sudden, the man grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head forward so that my right ear was right next to his putrid whiskey laced mouth. I pathetically whimpered in fear as he whispered, "you're a filthy faggot and faggots deserve punishment..."

I looked over to my "foster mother"  in the corner, her eyes meeting mine for only a second until the connection was broken as she slowly left the room so that I was all alone with him... The moment Ms. Ford left all hell broke lose and I could feel in the pit of my stomach a tightness that warned me of the terror that was coming. Without warning, Johnny roughly shoved me to the ground and a sudden pain erupted on my side. I looked up with tear filled eyes and I saw Johnny, preparing to kick me in the chest again and screaming profanities the entire time. 

"Slut!" Kick. "Useless fag!" Kick. "Sinner!" Soon my attacker dropped to his knees and began to punch every exposed part of my battered body. Hit after hit, I soon became numb to the beating but the man didn't think that it was enough. He lifted me off the ground by my collar and repeatedly slammed my head against the wall until there was blood present on the wallpaper and I could physically feel the dark bruises forming on the back of my skull. Johnny dropped me to the ground after that, my eyes flickering in and out of consciousness. Sadly, I wasn't allowed the sweet release of darkness. Instead, my mind began to flood with memories from the sudden familiar situation. 



I covered my ears, trying to drown out the screams of my dad. My breathing hitched as I heard booming footsteps make their way up the stairs and to my hiding place. Being only seven years old the safest place I knew was under my parent's bed to hide from the bad stuff. The bad stuff that comes in the form of dark circles on my arms and legs, the muddy bottled liquid that dad and his friends drink, the strangers who come to the house and give my parents a lot of green paper for a white powder that looks like snow. The bad stuff makes mommy cry and dad angry. I don't like it when dad yells....It makes my head hurt and whenever he shouts I always end up hurting afterword. 

I was too distracted by my thoughts to notice that someone had already entered the room and slammed the door shut. The touch of a rough hand snapped me right back into reality. It grabbed onto my ankle and tried to pull me out from my safe place. I screamed in fear and tried to hang on to the leg of the bed for dear life. Next thing I knew I was completely exposed and met with the scowling face of my dad.  

"Why are you hiding from me boy?!?" 

"I-I'm s-sorry d-dad," I stuttered trying to avoid his glare. His face grew impossibly red with rage and he grabbed me roughly by the chin so that I was looking directly into his cold blue eyes. My eyes... 

"You're not my son. You're a disgrace," he said as he grabbed me by the hair and slapped me across the face. I cried out in pain and he dropped me to the floor. Dad hit me hard on my stomach, my face, and my chest. Tears rolled down my cheeks in streams and my dad just smirked at my pain as my eyes felt heavy, and I counted the stars that dotted my vision until I eventually let the darkness consume me.

(*A/N sorta important) Hey guys so this update was very difficult to write and probably hard for many to read but I really need some feedback if I'm gonna continue this story. So can we maybe shoot for I dunno... 20 votes and 50 comments? If you guys really want me to keep writing this I'll try and update soon if you'd like. I really truly love and appreciate you all and I hope that you know that!

Stay amazing- Isa <3

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