Beatings and Meetings

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                  Special dedication to larry_riren and the1ugly2duckling 

(A/N there's some violence, panic attack and some harsh language in this chapter so stay safe)

I was putting my last book away when suddenly I felt strong hands turn me around and slam me against my locker. 

"Hey fag! I didn't know you were a teacher's bitch and a freak!"

I looked up and stared at the face of my newest tormentor, Brett Hollifield. He was large, not in weight but in the literal sense. All of his features were just unnecessarily huge, except for his beady eyes that were staring at me with pure hatred. He hates me and I don't even know why.

I looked to the right and saw that Brett had two other guys with him and they were behind him, laughing at my patheticness. My face flushed with anger and I most definitely shouldn't have said what I was about to say but I did. There's no way to change the past no matter how much I wish that I could. 

"Wow! A whole two sentences, good for you!"

I don't really have an "off" switch when it comes to sarcasm and I guess I payed for it. After I congratulated the creep on his accomplishments in literacy, he promptly shoved my to the ground and I landed with a thud. I looked up, knowing exactly what was coming next... before I even finished my thought I received a swift kick to the stomach, and the air was violently forced out of my lungs. My eyes watered and I turned to see one of the guys fists coming towards my face. Many punches, kicks, and cruel words later I was lying motionless on the ground. Blood trickled from my forehead and nose, my ribs ached, and I was sure that there were many dark bruises on my already injured body from the beating I received just the day before. I opened my eyes to see Brett's goons destroying my stuff and I honestly didn't care anymore.

"If you ever talk back to me again, I swear I'll kill you, freak!" I couldn't respond as I was intensely focusing on my breathing but I guess Brett wanted a verbal answer since he hastily kicked my ribs again and I felt something crack. Afterwards he told me to, and I quote, "Answer me bitch!"

"Duly noted," I croaked as they began to walk away while laughing at me. I stayed on the ground until I was sure that my tormentors where gone. Why am I such a fucking idiot? Now I'm literally going to die, and there's no stopping fate. 

I stood up, wincing from the pain throughout the entirety of my body. I'm okay, I told myself while picking up my demolished things. I'm okay... maybe. Those bastards hate me and I have no clue why. They've been "bullying" me since the day I arrived to this wretched school and I can't tell anyone about it or else they'll kill me and no one will believe me cause I'm just a kid with no worth or purpose. I don't really care that much. I've become used to it after all this time. You have no idea how many times I've been beaten, verbally and emotionally abused, felt unwanted and like a freak. I'm used to it and that's the sad realization of my reality. 

I began to walk down the long hallway, and made my way towards the boy's bathroom.  Once I entered ad made sure it was empty, I quickly began my routine; wash away the blood, readjust my appearance, and contemplate my life. Today was different though since there was the matter of my freshly bruised and or broken ribs that were making it very difficult to breath. After washing my face with cool water and wiping as such of the blood off my face as I could with some paper towels, but my labored breathing plus my rising panic left me in a state of hysteria and increasing pain. 

Not wanting to be seen in this weak condition by any of my peers, I stumble over towards a nearby cubicle and lean against the door as I begin to hyperventilate. Oh god a panic attack. I was having another panic attack and I hadn't had one in months. I guess all the bullying and lacking home treatment finally got to me, and I felt light-headed, anxious, and in all honestly absolutely shitty. I was alone for maybe five more minutes when suddenly I heard the bathroom door open and my panic spiked as I gasped in fear, praying to every god that ignores me that the person who entered wouldn't hurt me more. 

"Hello?" A voice asked. It was male and sounded fairly gentle but that didn't change the fact that I was still freaking out so of course I didn't respond but a whimper did accidentally escape my lips. Footsteps approached my cubicle and I backed up into the corner of the stall in hopes of becoming as small as possible and I slid down the wall until I was sitting down with my arms around my knees and I was shaking uncontrollably. 

"Can I please come in," the mysterious male asked, " I promise I won't hurt you." I decided to not fight against the person in hopes that if I cooperate he maybe won't hurt me as much and I drag myself over to the door and unlock it then move out of the way as the door swings open to reveal a young man with dirty blond hair and a lean build. I couldn't really make out the details of his face since my vision was being impaired with the forming tears in my eyes. I could tell that he was fairly attractive so I assume he must be popular. 

"Oh my god! Hey are you all right?" the boy asked in a frantic tone and he reached out his hand to touch my shoulder. I flinched and recoiled away from his touch, and the boy quickly drew back his hand. 

"Don't worry you'll be okay. Just breathe, okay? Breathe and everything will be fine," he said in a soothing tone as he continued to encourage me to breathe and told me that I would be fine. I eventually am able to breathe properly again and noticed that the boy was still sitting right next to me and he was staring at me with wide and almost terrified hazel eyes. Hazel eyes that were so bright and almost... beautiful.

"What was that?" he asked, still staring at me with those eyes and waiting for a response.

"Just a panic attack," I whispered in response, "I'm fine. Thanks for trying to help though." The word thanks felt weird in my throat since I hadn't had a reason to truly say thank you in a fairly long time. 

"Oh sorry. So are you sure that you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I steadily got up and made my way to the cubicle door. The boy moved out of the way and allowed me to pass him. Just as I was about to exit the bathroom I felt someone grab my hand and I knew that it was the guy. My breath hitched for a second but then it turned back to normal. For some reason I didn't feel that panicked around this boy and I hadn't felt that relaxed around a stranger in a very long time. I looked down and stared at his hand and then at his face. He looked concerned but determined.

"What's your name?" he asked softy. His hand was soft and he squeezed mine hand in an encouraging way. It was comforting in a weird way

"Alex. My name's Alex.

"Hello Alex, nice to meet you. I'm Luke Matthews" He smiled at me, let go of my hand, and left the bathroom without another word. After he left I stayed in the exact same spot for a few minutes before I ultimately exited in a state of confusion, and a strange comfort. 

I'm really proud of this chapter so please comment and vote. Love you all and please tell me what you think!

Yellow (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora