Dancing Queen

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I really proud of this super cute and yet dramatic chapter so tell me what you think in the comments cause I love hearing from you all! P.S I was listening to Queen specifically Don't Stop Me Now and I Want To Break Free and they inspired me to write this chapter lol. Enjoy and thanks for reading!- Isa <3

I'm now slightly deaf in my right ear from Julia screams when I told her about the "bench proclamation" over the phone. Damn that girl's got some strong lungs.

"Oh god!," she exclaimed" The dance is tonight! We only have four hours to get ready and I haven't done my hair yet!"

We formed a plan where we would both get ready at Julia's. I only had to wait ten minutes before the familiar white Escalade picked me up to take me there. If you"re wondering what Julia's house looks like here's a brief description. It's fairly big, bigger than Ms. Ford's brick townhouse or any of the other homes I've stayed at, even though only three people live there. The house is white with huge columns at the entrance and the exterior alone already displays it's grandeur but it's spotless interior also matches with a chandelier, and a grand staircase. The front yard is adorned with colorful flowers, small trees, and is surrounded by a stereotypical white picket fence. Well the Howard's a picket fence family.

Anyway, when I got there we immediately went straight to Julia's room.Her parents don't worry about me hanging out with Julia cause I guess they know some of my story It's clean, well kept, and enormous but my favorite thing about it is that there are books in every nook and cranny of the room. We stayed in the room for almost two hours. getting ready for the dance. It took me thirty minutes to get ready... it took Julia an hour and a half.

"Holy shit Ally! You look amazing!

"I sure as hell don't feel amazing!

"Oh shut up!' she said in a tone of false annoyance. I'm wearing a navy blue collared shirt , and black pants, but to make it my own I rolled up my sleeves, and wore my regular sneakers instead of dress shoes... mostly because I don't own any anyway. Actually the whole outfit doesn't even belong to me, the clothes are Julia's ex-boyfriend's from when she stole all his favorite clothing as revenge from him cheating on her last summer. The outfit doesn't fit perfectly but it's the best I've got...Some formalities are unnecessary anyway. Julia told me that I looked like I was actually trying with my appearance.

7:26 pm

Mr. Howard drove us to the dance and the car ride was agonizing and painfully quick, and I just sat there wondering about the outcome of the night. With the blink of an eye, we were already at school and already in front of the auditorium where the dance was being held and I feel like I'm about puke. I hate always being so anxious. It's not fair that Julia always looks so composed, perfect, and confident. I fucking wish that I could be like that right now.

"The time has come to answer the call of Fate," Julia said purposely trying to piss me off.

"And she hates being sent to voicemail," I responded half heartedly
We walked through the large overdecorated doors and we're immediately transported to a different world. A highly awkward, hormonal, and terribly DJ-ed world. The theme of the dance wasn't totally clear, but whoever decorated sure as hell loved balloons. They're so many freaking balloons and they seem to be taking up more space than the almost a hundred emotional, awkward, and awful teens. Oh joy!

I started to feel bummed out, thinking that I would spend my evening bashing on the dance when suddenly I saw a guy with dirty blonde hair and beautifully mischievous eyes. Near the bleachers, there was Luke looking as comfterable and confident as ever. Lucky son of a bitch... Julia decided to leave me to go find her date and I was alone again. Cautiously, I began to make my way towards him. The second he noticed me his eyes lit up and he said, "Wow! You look beautiful!"

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