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Hello lovely inhabitants of the Wattpadiverse! Sadly this is not an update (not that anyone really reads this story anyway lol) but I just have a couple of announcements to make!

Firstly, I'm seeing Pentatonix tomorrow and I'm so fucking excited! I've been waiting to see them for so long and I'm finally going to go to their concert with my amazing friend Therese or pinkfangirlavi if you wanna check out her profile :)

I also finished the outline of this story and I think that it will be pretty long (maybe 30 to 40 chapters) so now I have a solid and complete plan that I think you guys will like. I'm going to update soon, especially since my school has a break next week but now I also have some questions for you!

Are you enjoying the story?

What are your predictions on Alex's backstory?

What can I do to make this story better?

What are your opinions on the characters?

What are your predictions on the plot of the story in general?

If you answer any of these questions I'd be really grateful cause I love feedback! Anyway thank you guys so much for reading this story! I can't believe it got up to 2k views! That's amazing and I never thought anyone would read this dumb thing lol!!! Thank you so much you guys have no idea how happy and grateful I am for your votes, comments, and overall support from just your reading!

Stay weird - Isa 

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