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(Warnings; panic attack, mentions of abuse) NO VIOLENCE FOR ONCE AND THERE'S GONNA BE SOME FLUFF! YOU'RE WELCOME!!! also the song ("Yellow" by Coldplay) in the media thingy is gonna be very important aspect throughout the rest of the story. Btw 3077 words long! Enjoy :D

(Luke P.O.V)

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed when I realized that the boy I carried in my arms was struggling to breathe. Alex was hyperventilating, his chest heaving while his face contorted with pain, and his skin was slick with sweat. I stopped suddenly, looking around for a safe place to evaluate Ally's condition because I knew that his panicked state would only worsen the longer he stayed out in hallway. As I readjusted his position, so that his head could comfortably rest against my shoulder, I could hear taunting snickers coming from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Alex's attackers laughing and using their phones to film us as more students began to fill the corridor to go to their next classes. A pained groan escaped from Ally's bloodied lips and he wrapped his shaking arms around my neck. Fuck, I thought to myself. I gotta get Alex outta here... I need to get him away from the fuckers who hurt him. I saw a door near the school's exit and saw an open door. I quickly approached the door, realizing that it was the janitor's closet and praying that no one was in there. Luckily, the room was empty so I pushed the door open and shut it behind me. I carefully placed the panicked boy on the ground and turned to lock the door behind me. When I turned around again, my heart broke at the sight before me. 

Alex was huddled in the corner, hugging his knees and rocking back and forth, clearly at the mercy of a panic attack. I quickly dropped to my knees in front of his shaking form. 

"Ally?" I whispered. Ally's frantically moving eyes met mine for only a second before he looked down at the ground, his chest still rising and falling rapidly. I raised my hand and gently placed it on his shoulder resulting in Alex flinching away from my touch before looking up at me with pained expression. 

"H-help," he begged with wide and frightened eyes. Ally's beautiful blue irises were cloudy and unfocused, causing me to worry further. I acted quickly, sitting down next to Alex and placing him so that he was resting comfortably between my legs with his back pressed against my chest. Every movement caused him whimper in fear and his breathing to hitch. 

"It's okay Ally, just breathe," I tried to soothe as I ran my hand through the boy's dark hair. The last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day and scaring Alex to no end. His bottom lip quivered before his breathing turned erratic once again. The harsh sounds of his wheezing breath filled the small closet as my baby struggled to put air in his lungs. Alex gripped my upper arm, his fingers curling like claws around my bicep. I reached down and held his hand, not sure if the gesture was more of a lifeline for myself or for Alex. 

"Come on Ally, just follow my breathing. Everything okay. I'm right here, don't worry. " I took deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly, hoping that Alex would soon follow the pattern. I kept my voice low and calm, trying to maintain my composure for the sake of the glassy eyed boy in my arms. I continued to mumble sweet nothings to Alex, and I could tell that he was trying his best to follow my direction. Alex's breathing eventually eased into a comfterable pattern, and soon enough his body relaxed against mine. I titled my head down to see my Ally, his head twisted to look up at me, his face was damp with sweat and his eyes were beginning to clear from the fog that enveloped them. He was beautiful...

We sat there for a while, continuing to look at each other in complete and comfterable silence, and I held him happily. Suddenly the sound of students loudly roaming the hall startled Alex. The boy in my arms squirmed slightly, to involuntarily pull him closer to my chest. I kissed the top of his head, telling him once again that he was safe and nothing would harm him. Alex quickly relaxed again, averting his gaze from my face to shut his eyes with a sigh of relief. I could feel his muscles loosen as his breathing slowed and a wave of calm washed over the both of us. 

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