The Game

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 Short update guys sorry this was kinda of a filler chapter but expect the next one to be super cute! Thanks for reading and I love you all

Once I left the bathroom I began to walk down the hallway, only to be stopped by the smiling face of Julia. Her smile faded as she instantly sensed that something had happened.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a surprisingly serious tone. Julia rarely sounds so serious so I could tell that she was worried about me. 

"Nothing," I responded shakily, trying to avoid that conversation entirely.

"Really? You look really pale and your hands are shaking like crazy!" Damn her and her keen powers of observation.

"I'm okay Jules. I promise." She stared at me for a moment and then broke the silence by starting another conversation. 

"Alright... so are you coming to the game tonight?" she asked cautiously. Little did I know that her question would dramatically change my entire life.

"I wasn't aware that there was a game tonight...."

"Of course there's a football game tonight! There's one every Friday, or did you forget?"

I shrugged as she continued, "You know that this evening is the single most important game of my brief cheerleading career. Oh yeah, Julia's a cheerleader. I almost forgot to mention that.

"Plus," she carried on," it's the game that's only a month away from the fall dance? You have to come! You never know, you may even find a date there..." Julia winked suggestively and even though she was extremely annoying, she was also right. Tonight is probably my last chance to find a "willing" date for the dance. Well, it's now or never. My god I wish it were never

"Ugh! Fine I'll go, but you better not expect me to enjoy myself cause I won't"

Julia's eyes widened as she exclaimed," Oh my god Alex! Thank you! You're actually coming! THIS IS HUGE! AHHH!

This is so not huge! This is the exact opposite of huge it's...terrifying and horrifically menial! I hate football games. Actually, I hate most social events in general; I don't like being immersed into a crowd of loud people, I hate being forced to support a cause that I don't give a crap about, and I despise overly peppy people! It annoys me when I see others cheering happily at something as barbaric as people tackling each other, all for the sake of carrying a ball across a field. Is that really worth a concussion?

As I pondered over my half-baked decision, Julia was flailing her arms in order to attract my attention. 

"Hello!" she called, "Earth to Alexander Blake!" I find it strange that people often call each other by their full names in order to attract the attention of another person.

"What?" I said dreamily, still lost in my thoughts. I do that a lot... get lost in my thoughts I mean. Dang it! I'm getting distracted with distractions.

"Do you wanna meet up before the game or something?" Julia asked. "Why?" I responded

"So I can make you look presentable and to be your grand escort to your first game of course!"

"Gee thanks" I said, still thinking about her trying to make me look "presentable."

"You're welcome," she declared cheerfully, "so I'll pick you up at seven sharp, okay?"


She walked past me while waving goodbye. I waved back half heartedly, not knowing what was to come. 

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