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                        Dedicated to Scomichealert (p.s go read her stories!)

Okay guys I didn't expect this update to be this long (3051 words!) but I started and then just kinda went with it but it's cute and I'm proud of it so I hope you guys enjoy it! Please comment and vote cause I love feedback and getting to know you guys :)

The events that I'm about to tell you are completely and utterly true. It happened tonight during the football game. I'm still not sure if it was a good or bad things, but it happened nonetheless. First, I'm gonna describe the factors that led up to the events! 

6:49 PM

I was in my room and sitting on my on my small twin sized bed. Well it isn't exactly my room since I share it with my younger foster sibling Seth. I was just hanging out and reading a book per usual when I got a text. It was Jules ( that's Julia's nickname and she calls me Allyboy), and I knew it was her since she's one of my very few contacts on my phone. 

Jules: Hey Allyboy! I'll be there soon btw Mom's taking us to the game

I responded with a simple "okay", put my phone down and started to get nervous. What would happen? What if something goes wrong? What will I do then? To be honest, I don't really know what I'd do. I don't like to be around people, so I'll probably just read a book or something like that. After several painstakingly fast minutes later I heard the doorbell rang.

"Who the hell is it?!?" Ms. Ford yelled from downstairs. She was probably in the kitchen drinking her third glass of wine and waiting for her newest boyfriend to call her back. 

"It's for me!" I called back. I turned around and grabbed my bag. I titled this fairly ordinary and cheap messenger bag "Life" because  it contains my entire life, and this often cause me to evaluate my being since the bag only contains some books, my phone, pencils, a notebook, and a jacket. Those are the only items I need to survive besides food, water, and shelter.

I put on my army jacket and beanie since it was fairly cold this evening and then ran down the stairs. Julia was there when I opened the front door and her huge smile was prominent but then it transformed into a smug smirk. 

"What are you wearing?" she asked in a sarcastically horrified tone.

"Um...clothes," I responded. I was wearing clothes, not very fancy or flashy clothing and nothing that would instantly grab anyone's attention. I had on my typical outfit; just my old jeans, a simple white t-shirt, a hoodie, and my worn Chuck Taylor's. I don't have an extensive wardrobe, but I wear what I have and can get. Although this isn't the case for Julia since she was born into a wealthy family and is also an only child. Because of this she gets anything she wants whenever she wants, and her parents offer her the best of everything. Even though she could dress in fabulous and expensive clothing or bask in luxurious possessions, she doesn't. That's what I like about her... she dresses like a normal trendy teenager and doesn't care about having all the finer things in life.

"Not everyone is a privileged as you!" I said sardonically while smiling, feeling the tight knot of  nervousness loosen a bit. 

"Oh don't be like that! I just want your first game to be a magical experience!" she said while giggling in a girly manner. 

"Yeah... magical. I can hardly wait." 

"Cheer up! You ready to go Alexander Blake?" I walked over to the staircase, looked upwards and yelled, "I'm leaving!"

"No one cares," I heard Seth yell back from our room as I closed the front door. I can totally feel the sense of love and family just oozing from that house. As I walked with Julia down the driveway, a large white Escalade, the official car of rich white southerners, pulled up to the curb. 

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