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Please comment and vote on my story cause that lets me know what you guys think and I love you all! Enjoy this update - Isa <3

My birthday came. Another year of me being alive. Hooray!

I usually don't care much for this day. It just seems like a strange and unnecessary celebration. But this time I'm kinda excited, but also relieved that this year I actually have people to celebrate with and I don't have to stress over being alone or getting another unwanted birthday present like another beating perhaps.

When I woke up this morning I was pleasantly surprised to see a small, seemingly homemade card on my nightstand. I thought that maybe Seth left it but then I realized that he would never do that in a million years. I opened it and read, "Dear Mr. Blake, or if you prefer Alexander. I would just like to wish you a Jolly Good Day of Birth. You're an amazing boy, who deserves an equally amazing birthday celebration as well. Okay... so once again happy birthday. P.S I had to pay Seth twenty bucks to deliver this card to you and also do me a favor." - Luke ;P

I closed the card and smiled. Then I thought, alright it's my birthday so I might as well look presentable. Taking a few steps towards my clothing drawer, opened it up and pulled out the most socially acceptable outfit for today. It's actually kind of great that I have a clothing drawer because in a lot of my other houses I had to live out of a trash bag but now I also have a duffel bag that I received when maybe twelve years old. It was neither uplifting or efficient. 

Anyway, my outfit consists of my favorite maroon sweater, my best pair of light blue skinny jeans, and my black Chuck Taylors. I would consider this a "good" outfit. Lastly I decided to try to tame my usually messy and unruly wavy black hair. I would usually just cover up my hair with a beanie or something but this time I left it alone but did brush it so it was semi-tamed.

After getting ready, I headed downstairs. Mornings in the Ford household are generally the same. Silent and extremely awkward, since it's only Ms. Ford, Seth, and I. Jade and Violet's preschool starts two hours later, so they get the joy of being able to sleep in.

I entered the kitchen, grabbed a bowl and spoon, then walked over to the counter as I do most every morning. There is a dining table but we rarely sit all together like a family, which we are not. As I was pouring some milk and corn flakes into the bowl Seth came downstairs. He sat down next to me, began to eat his own cereal, but then looked up from his bowl and mouthed "Happy Birthday." Even Ms. Ford wandered from the norm today. During breakfast, she turned around from where she was drinking coffee and said to both of us, though her eyes were mostly directed at me, "You kids have a good day." Whoa... I guess this birthday isn't off to a bad start after all.

When I finished eating, I was the the first person to leave the house for school. I had only just walked across the yard when I heard a voice call my name. I quickly turned my head and saw Luke waving and running towards me.

"Hey!" he panted when he caught up with me.

"Hey to you too," I responded

"You look great uh... more mature I mean."

"Why thank you. I'm glad that you think age looks good on me," Luke laughed and then he said, "You seem happy!" He was right of course.

"I guess I am."

"Well you should be because it's your freaking birthday!" We walked to the bus stop and when we arrived, Julia was waiting for us.

"Hey birthday boy!" she said excitedly

"What's up overly excited girl?"

The bus pulled up, we all got in and sat on the old two-seated booths. Julia sat next to me and Luke sat alone in the booth behind us. She was talking about how awesome my birthday's gonna be, and Luke was laughing at my reaction to her comments (I was not pleased)

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