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A few days later, I found him. He was in the very front of the school sitting on one of the crappy wooden benches, listening to music. School had ended, all the buses were gone except for the late one that would take me and a few other unfortunate souls to our separate houses. We were pretty much alone. I carefully walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He flinched but then saw that it was me and smiled.

"Hey," he said as he took off his earbuds.

"Um...what are you doing here?" I asked kind of nervously. Actually very nervously.

"Just waiting for my ride. It's Friday night so I'm hanging out with some friends."

"Oh cool. So I've given your friendship proposal some thought and..."

"And?" Luke asked excitedly.

""And I've decided to accept. You're a nice guy and you may be one of the only people who get me so being your friend would be great," I said as confidently as an anxious and anti-social kid could. Luke just looked at me with a stunned expression, but then a huge smile stretched across his face. Suddenly, he jumped up and gave me a huge hug then he lifted me up and began to twirl me around. And even while he was doing that he was also shouting," YES! YES! YES!" 

These actions took me off guard but I didn't feel panicked or in any kind of danger. Instead I laughed, I actually laughed and enjoyed him hugging me. When he finally put me down, he looked into my eyes and breathlessly but calmly said, "Thank you for accepting my humble offer, you won't regret it."

"I hope," I mumbled under my breath. Right after I said that, a truck pulled up and it was filled with some people I distantly knew. The person driving was a guy named Colin Fulton and he's... well he's an absolute troublemaker and I haven't seen a day gone by were he hasn't gotten into some kind of trouble. The second guy was Jake Hall. He's pretty nice, always says hello, and opens door for everyone when they enter or leave a room, but he's surprisingly not very social. The opposite of Julia. Lastly there was Ava Burlez. She's a foreign exchange student from Colombia. She's smart, friendly, and extremely confident. 

Luke walked towards the car and said," Colin?!? Why are you driving? I thought you only had your permit." Colin, looking at us from the driver's seat and responded, "Yeah, I took the car for a little joy ride. My parents won't notice. So you coming or what?" Colin had Cassie's eyes...

Luke turned to me and said, "I gotta go, but I'l text you later!"

"But you don't have my number!" I yelled as he began to walk towards the car.

"I'll find a way!" He entered the shotgun seat of the truck and when he was about to close the door he said, "I promise. I'll text you later."


That night I was in my room with Seth sleeping in the bed near me. I was also in bed, under the covers and using a flashlight to read. I looked at my watch and saw that it was only 9:15 pm. It's Friday night and I'm at the house, in bed, under the covers, and reading a book. Turn up...

A another hour had passed and I was still reading, but I had emerged from my cavern of covers. Seth has been out cold for a couple of hours now and the twins were peacefully sleeping in the room across the hall. I don't think anything could wake them up now. I was starting to feel a little drowsy, but he texted.

Luke: Hey! This is your number right?

Alex: Yeah it is. How'd you get my number?

L: I have my ways! Muwhahaha!

A: Seriously how?

L: I saw your friend while I was out and like the gentleman I am, I kindly asked for your number.

Yellow (boyxboy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ