Almost Paradise

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The library is a small room in the very back of the school and the plausible reason why it's there is because it is likely that most students have forgotten what a book is since a large percentage of them just go on their phones and electronics for pleasure and entertainment. So no one really goes into the 'forgotten library' except for the minimal school faculty and myself.

The school's librarian is a young southern woman named Ms. Branch. Unlike most people depicted in the media with that specific occupation, Ms. Branch is neither old nor does she look like an owl. She's simply a nice lady who is kind to me, values words, and drinks sweet tea by the gallon. 

 When I walk in, I'm immediately greeted with the usual question.

 "Hello honey. Do you need help lookin for something?"

"No thank you," I mumbled in response as I scurried past Ms. Branch's desk and was lost behind the numerous book shelves. My purpose in the library today was the same as every other insufferable weekday; to hide from other humans and to drown myself in comforting literature.  

There's a table in the back of the library that is completely surrounded by shelves and I call this table "My Island," because it is solitary and that's my form of paradise like how a tropical island is a paradise for others. I sat at my favorite table and looked at the books that were all around me and searched for a title that caught my attention.

Nothing. There were no books that seemed worth while. I knew that the rest of my day would now suck because books are one of the only things that keep me going during the day. Sadly, I turned around and looked up at the clock hanging behind my favorite table.

"Shit!" I accidentally exclaimed out-loud when I saw that I only had eight minutes to get to my next class.

"Excuse me!" Ms. Branch yelped from behind her desk. She was so surprised that she nearly knocked over her huge cup filled with sweet tea and most likely regret. 

"Sorry ma'am," I hastily responded while gathering all my crap and stuffing it into my old black backpack. I ran out of the library and through the mostly empty halls. Class would start in five minutes...

I passed a very uptight looking hall monitor who yelled at me to slow down since I was running at full speed. "Screw you!" I called back whilst sprinting past him.

After racing almost through the whole school, I made it to my class with half a second to spare before the bell rang. I panted as I walked over to my desk, dropped my ratty bag on the floor, and sat down. 

I did it! I made it to class on time! Although I'm as thin as a twig, I'm not very fast. I run like the chubby kid in your fourth grade gym class. Then I realized what class I had now and the feeling of triumph dissipated quickly. 

Algebra 2... one of the worst parts of my typical day. Don't get me wrong I'm an acceptable student but with that in mind I think that I'm allowed to declare that I HATE MATH. Part of my hatred for this class is that all of the popular kids (minus Julia) attend it. That is way too much popularity in a single room. I'm currently developing a theory that states that the high quantity of assholes and ignorance will amount to some sort of paradox that will ultimately destroy the balance of the universe. I've had a lot of free time to think about this cause i have no life.

Today's class was especially boring because Mr. Perl, my algebra 2 teacher, was lecturing on and on about equations. Carry this, replace that... god it's so boring. The clock ticked slowly as the time passed. 'Do you ever have those instances when the longer you stare that the clock, hoping for it to move quicker, the slower it moves? Well, that obnoxious moment is occurring right now and it also seems that the clock is moving backwards instead of forwards. That's especially cruel... 

"Mr. Blake!" Mr. Perl exclaimed.

"Huh?" I say with a start. I was still pondering over the horrible movement of the contraption of time on the wall. 

"Did you hear my question?"

"What question?" Shit! I sound like a complete idiot right now.

"The one on the board, Mr. Blake. I asked you to answer the question on the board," Mr. Perl said with a huff and the surrounding students snickered at my stupidity. 

"Jerks," I mumble under my breath and walked up to the front of the classroom. Don't panic, I say to myself, just look up at the board. When I saw the equation I was pleasantly surprised that it was similar to a simple middle school problem. Why would Mr.Perl ask me to solve that easy problem when I'm a sophomore? It boggles my mind.

I write the answer on the board with all the confidence that I could muster, and then quickly walked back to my desk and sat down. 

"That's correct," Mr. Perl responded in a perplexed tone as he began to make his way over to my desk in the very back of the classroom, " I know that it's hard to participate sometimes but you're actually a bright student and I expect more from you Mr. Blake."

"Oh um... alright," I responded quietly, hoping that no one heard him or me. That was strange and extremely awkward I thought to myself. Mr. Perl usually shows no emotion when it comes to his students, our grades, his job,and come to think of it he probably doesn't care about life in general. He only cares if you're late to class, tardy, or disruptive which will result in the demise of that particular student. 

After that class ended, my day continued normally until the end of the school day. Yep everything was just 'peachy' while I took notes in class, tried to remain invisible, and gathered my things when the last bell rang.

The atmosphere changed suddenly while I was packing up my books from my locker in the empty hallway. It's strange how in one second things are normal, but in the blink of an eye everything changes. And there's no telling whether the sudden change is for the better or worse. 

So how am I doing guys? Tell me what you think and I love comments and getting to know you guys. I love you all and I just wanted to thank anyone who reads this story. It means a lot so thank you lovelies!

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