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Roman's Confessional
"What up?" "It's your boy, Roman Reigns." "I honestly don't know what I'm doing or what I was thinking about when I agreed to be on a reality show, but hey." "No turning back now right?" *laughs*

Producer: What do you think is in store for you by being on this show?

Roman: I don't know man, but if it goes anything like the other reality shows I've seen, then i'm in for some shit. I can tell you that much.
Randy's Confessional
"Hey." "It's the Viper Randy Orton here." "I have no clue what I'm doing sitting in a chair on the set of a reality show that apparently, I'm gonna be on." *laughs* "I seriously don't remember agreeing to this crap." "Did production tell you I'd do this?"

Producer: They actually said that you agreed to it.

Randy: She told me this was a promo shooting for our European tour. Then, I walked into the biggest trap of all, reality TV.

Producer: What do you expect this show to be like?

Randy: I don't know but if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have a very long talk with production about false advertising.
Dolph's Confessional
"Sup everybody." "Dolph Ziggler here apparently on the set of a new reality show."

Ziggler: What's it called again?

Producer: It's called Total Superstars.

Ziggler: Apparently it's Total Divas with men as the stars. Very creative I guess. *mumbles* Not. Aside from that, I'm sure you've all heard that I am single. Just putting that out there. I am quite the ladies man.

Producer: If we were to show this to a specific lady, who would you want it to be?

Ziggler: Definitely Lana.

Producer: What is the number one thing that you expect from being on the show?

Ziggler: Well considering that I don't know who's gonna be on the show with me, I know it's going to be some crap. That's how ratings rise though, so. Whatever.
Seth's Confessional
"Yo!" "Seth Rollins is here." "You're actually watching for a purpose now." "It's weird that I agreed to this without knowing who my co stars are."

Producer: You don't like your co workers?

Seth: I mean I like them, but there's just some of 'em I just can't work with. Aside from my likes and dislikes, what's the name of this show anyways?

Producer: It's called Total Superstars.

Seth: Oh come on. I could've pulled something more creative than that outta my ass. *laughs* Pretty much, this is my show now. I'm the star, and the fans are only gonna watch the show cause I'm on it.

Producer: What do you expect from being on the show?

Seth: I expect what I said. Were you not listening? I'm gonna be the star. Nobody's gonna matter but me. You watch.
Corey's Confessional
"Corey Graves here on the set on WWE's newest reality show, Total Superstars." I'm not really warmed up to the idea of being on this new show, but I can live through it."

Producer: We actually couldn't pass up the opportunity to have you on the show.

Corey: I am nothing if not handsome. I can see why. Are you guys gonna tell us who our co stars are?

Producer: You're gonna find out eventually.

Corey: Oh. That's not a good sign.

Producer: So can I ask what you expect from being on this show?

Corey: All I plan on doing is getting through each episode as quickly as possible.
Dean's Confessional
"What's up?" "It's Dean Ambrose here on the set of something called Total Superstars."

Producer: It's a reality show Dean.

Dean: *confused look* It is?

Producer: Yes.

Dean: Oh. Then why am I here?

Producer: You're one of the stars on the show.

Dean: Are you kidding? What's next? You want me to do a song and dance? Somebody better contact my agent.

Producer: You don't have an agent.

Dean: *confused look* I don't?

Producer: No.

Dean: Well. I guess I'm stuck in this. *sighs* I have nothing else to say but screw this, I'm out. They know who I am already. As for my co stars, see ya on the show. Oh, and to the fans, series premiere is coming up. *winks*

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