Chapter 34 Date?!? Part 2

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Rogue POV

I'm with Sting today cause he wants to try the new in a cafe. While we're walking I saw Lucy sitting there, is she with someone? "This is it (o ̄∇ ̄o)♪, this was the cafe I'm talking'' I don't know if Sting will found out that Lucy is here

"Rogue, what do you want to order?'' "Huh? Um...just coffee'' ''Ok, just find us a table'' ''Hm'' ......ok, I'll seat here. Not too close to Lucy and not to far so that I can know if she's alone or not

"Rogue, you think this cafe is cool uh (o ̄∇ ̄o)'' ''Maybe'' ''Don't be like that, atleast I'm the one who's treating you'' ''Well, what do to now while waiting?'' "Hmmmm.... Let's talk about Lucy, I've never seen here for a week'' ''You miss her Sting?'' "Σ(///□///) What about you miss her too ( ̄∀ ̄), right?'' "You-you're the only who miss her!'' "Hahahaha, let's just stop it. But you know where Lucy is?''

I can't tell him that she's here cause she's with someone too, maybe...I'll try to check. I check it she is with someone, dark hair but can't see his face cause he's not facing here ''Maybe she's with someone we know. Right?'' "Yeah, maybe you're right'' ''Here's your order sir'' ''Thank you'' ''Oh, it's good'' ''Yeah, I think it's good to chill here too'' ''So let's go here sometimes after we go to academy'' ''Yeah''

--hey guys, it's me. Sorry if I'm not fast at updating, thank you for enjoying reading this (*^▽^*) and sorry if you're being confused at my story ('-﹏-';) and thanks for leaving a comment and thanks for voting it. (Sorry if it's short again)--

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