Chapter 3 Likes Me!

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Levy P O V

I was at home and reading books and some of them i give it to Lucy-san. I slept at 11p.m. and woke up 7a.m., I was walking by myself until i saw Gajeel.

"Ohayo Gajeel-san" "O-ohayo Levy-chan". That is what we say whenever we see each other coming to school. And sometimes he want go out sometimes with someone so I was invited rarely.

When i was walking to the classroom i saw Lucy-san."Ohayo Lucy-san" "Ohayo Levy-chan". When class is starting i listen well and read books because i want to be prepared early even its not exam

Lucy P O V

"Ahhhh" always like this when Loke introduce himself to me he said that he was love at first sight on me. And it's kinda weird cause theres so many girls here, not only me

"Oh! Lucy-san do you have a moment" I heared a voice that's coming toward me. "Ahh aye, Gray"

We went to the back of the school it's like no one's coming at the back."Do you want to say someting Gray-kun?"

"A-anoo, Lucy i-i l-like you like Loke love you!" "Nani!?!?!*//_//*" "Its like that's how I feel whenever I saw you or think of it. I need to go bye!>//// Gray really serious about it (◎///∆////◎;)


I walk home by myself and i was like suprise 2 of them have a like on me! The hell. Huh,i'm gonna be fine.....maybe >_<

I sleep and prepared for school. And it was like 1 week and 5 days that i spent in here but i'm happy =D.

It was July 19 and the sensei say there will be a transferee at school and it was gonna sit beside me. And it's a boy.

Maybe the one i know? Who it is?

~Do you know who will be is it from other school or other country?And do you know who it is?~

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