I just realized

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All the vocaloid producers I know and love...write really profound or sad music.

Such as...

Pinnochio P: Known for writing sci-fi themes songs about humanity and the outlook he has on the world. His PVs often take place in space or have some sort of alien reference.

Some songs are:
Last Continue
All I Need are the Things I Like
Slow Motion

Nashimoto P: known for writing songs about how one feels living in a hostile environment and being faced with cruel  people. Often has a black background and scratch-like drawings for his PVs.

Some Songs Are:
The Shape of my Heart
Suicide Song
I'm Only Just Getting Started
Enko Girl

Kikuo P: Known for writing creepy, horror-like music about insanity and delusions, and what it's like seeing things from a damaged mind effected by a poor mental state.

Some Songs Are:
Useless Child
Shikabane no Odori (Corpse Dance)
Love Me. Love Me. Love Me.
I'm Sorry. I'm sorry.
Don't Look at me in that Way

Nekobolo P: DEPRESSION. There's not much else I can say about his music...though it is lovely. The instrumentals are sad and have a very longing sound. Often their about not being able to live an ideal life with a positive state of mind.

Some Songs Are:
Things I want you to Hear
The Synthesia Ghost
Nonsense Speaker (Baloney Speaker)
Jishou Mushoku (Self-Inflicted Achromatic)

What I'm trying to say, is that I don't know very many producers that write really happy songs. And the happy songs that I do know, I don't know the producer of.

So, if you know any vocaloid producers that write happy songs, please tell me. I'm sorta killing my mental state with all of this.

So, if you listened to those songs...I AM SO SORRY. Jk I'm not it b ur fault tho Lololol
But seriously, here's some happy songs to listen to to cheer you up:

Goodnight Sweetheart
Suki, Kirai
I refuse
Ah, what a wonderful cat's life
Childhood Blues
Eine Kliene
Goodbye, Ms.Flower Theif
Ai Dee

Yeah. Make happy.

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