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I love having tons of Wattpad notifications when I get back.
It just fills me with happiness.

Once I got off the plane, I opened up Wattpad to post up the chapters I wrote on the plane, and I had like, 14 notifications.
Which is great.
I love reading comments.

On a different note, once I got off the plane, I was hit with a wave of heat...

It's so much hotter in DC than it is in my home state...but DC looks really similar to my home state so it's kinda confusing that I'm on like, the opposite side of the country.

But just because I'm on vacation, doesn't mean my work ends on the graduation gifts!!
It means that I'm going to be up late listening to music to figure out which song goes to who, and in what order I will draw everyone.

All in all, I'm excited for the week to come.

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