Awesome Action Movie Nightmare/Dream

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Why nightmare/dream? Because I woke up sweating and terrified, but also with a badass sense of accomplishment.
I was also wearing cute clothes when it happened.

This is the first time I've remembered so much from a dream.

Anyways, here it is:

So I was back in eighth grade again and I had a class in the fourth grade classroom with my friend SunnyRuby who was like, not her usual cute self, but like, photoshop sorta pretty?
That airbrush look that they give models in magazines.
anyways, my friend (we'll call her Maddy to hide her identity) was also there but she's not important to the story.
For some reason there was a parking garage attached to the fourth grade building (the fourth grade is separate and attached to the gym) and for some reason SunnyRuby and I went to the second to the top floor?
Anyways, there was this kid standing there and she was this Classmate I had who left after fifth grade. We'll call her Kate (Lee.) and anyways, she proposed a challenge to SunnyRuby because she was prettier than her and stuff. Like, she was holding a knife and stuff. And Kate called her some ugly words, then, SunnyRuby and I declared that this was stupid and started moving towards the parking garage elevator.
I don't know what came over me, but in my dream I flipped Kate the middle finger and she screamed and ran at us at the speed of an Olympic runner. THAT TERRIFIED ME.
But I somehow didn't wake up, and ended up telling SunnyRuby to make a run for it, while I just stood there. Then, I lifted my fist stuck it out, and Kate ran right into it! WABAAAAAM.
And we were both sent flying.
We were airborne for what seemed like minutes, but when I landed I must've passed out and woke up again.


When I woke up, I was on top of Kate, finger in her eye (just on top of the eyeball, not like, stabbed in or anything) and in my dream, that eye felt real AF. But somehow like glass?
Anyways, Kate was foaming at the mouth cuz I elbowed her in the chest and stomach upon impact.
So, I got up and ran away, the elevator was in use so I used the stairs, and when Kate woke up, she gave chase after me down the stairs, and I did cool flips and swings on the railings so instead of running on the stairs, I'd be moving from landing to landing.
Anyways, I got to the fifth floor where the elevator stopped, in time.
And I went down to the bottom floor, saw a tired out SunnyRuby there, and we went back to class (basically after we skipped it.) and met with Maddy and we began walking to our next class.

That's when I woke up. For real.
A little scared.
Mostly badass.
And somewhat grossed out. (From the eye thing.)

Anyways, I'm surprised I didn't wake up through half of that dream.

It was finished in a very satisfying matter.

And, I could feel all the action run through me.
Like, I felt like I went flying when I stayed still and tackled Kate.
Or, I felt my body flip when I was jumping down the stairs.
I could feel her eye when I accidentally poked it.
I could feel myself turning around and flipping off Kate with a smile.

Like, it's like it happened to me really recently so I remember how it feels.

It was trippy but cool.

Hoped you liked hearing my dream rant.

Also, hey SunnyRuby I know you're here cuz I tagged you a ton.

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