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I learned a valuable lesson today.

I can't socialize, or create conversation...in person.
Or at all with certain people for that matter.

I told my mom this, and she said that means I just don't have anything in common anymore, and I'm no longer comfortable with their presence.

And, I realized something after that.

She was right.

I really AM no longer comfortable with many people I've been with for so long. I can't talk to them because we've equally changed a lot. There's nothing to say because there's nothing we know about each other anymore.

It's a depressing fact of life, but it's true nonetheless.

There are people I get along with exceptionally well with now, that I barely knew beforehand.

Thinking over this, my mind went to these options:

1.) I should make some new friends in high school


3.) Grin through it

I've gotten to a weird point where I'm anxious to hang out with certain people because I have nothing to say. It feels like I barely know them and we're just acquaintances at best.

Even now, I'm somewhat anxious about posting this up, because I have friends that follow this book, and they'll ask themselves "am I part of the group of 'certain people'?"

I can't exactly answer that, but I felt compelled to at least say this.

Maybe this whole post is what it truly is.

Or maybe I'm just too damn quiet.

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