Art Things

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I'm bored AF but I'm way too lazy to actually talk to someone right now sooooo...I'm going to update wattpad about some art stuff. (Tips and Tricks? Bleh.)

Keep in mind:
I'm not a great artist.
And I'm nowhere near my full potential, I can feel it.
I'm only saying things that I learned and picked up along the way for those of you who care to know.

On with the main subject!:

1.) Proportions are VERY important.
You don't want your characters too look like they have bobble heads, or the houses you draw to look you have to think logically about where everything matches up in a way that's aesthetically pleasing, but also logical. (If you're abstract and post-modernist then ignore this you freakin' hipsters...tch...)
Try looking at real models when drawing.

2.) Art Styles are all inspired in a way.
In the end, all art styles stem from something. However, when first trying to find your art style, look at other peoples and put a spin of your own on it that's easy for your hand. There's a difference between drawing a carbon copy, and creating an art style inspired by someone else's.
For example, I personally really like the art and technique of the speed artist Lydimm (follow her on youtube she's great.) and while you may recognize some of her technique in my art, it doesn't look the same.
Something like that.

3.) Don't beat yourself up.
This is a bit cliche, but it still stands true to this day, and I still have a hard time with this.
You can spend entire days drawing and you may just not feel totally satisfied, but when you get to a point where you're questioning whether or not you enjoy drawing, it's time to take a break. Watch some YouTube videos, read a book (or manga), watch TV (or anime), go out with your friends or family.
Do something else. Working yourself too hard to climb a never ending wall is exhausting and no one needs to deal with that themselves. (Or having to hear the complaint: "AHHH! I'm not good enough!! It's just art block I sweaaaar!" From someone else.)
If your at the point where you're tired of drawing because you don't like it, you just haven't found a style you enjoy drawing and looking at.

4.) SLEEP.
It's not cool to be up all night drawing. It really isn't. Your work gets sloppy and you feel like crap the next day. Get some rest so your back and shoulders don't get all achy from drawing. I break this rule all the time. Call me hypocrite, it's my life.
(Wooooo up until 3:00am drawing!!
Parent: GO TO SLEEP.)

5.) Envy gets you nowhere.
Being jealous of other artists' success is just petty and no one needs to have that heavy feeling follow them around. Art is specifically defined as expression of human creative skill and imagination. Creative skill is defined as the ability to create something new and valuable. Nowhere does it mention you have to be a "talented artist". Art is meant to express what's in your mind and have value to yourself, and maybe even others who can also appreciate your abilities. Don't drown yourself in jealousy, because that person's art is just as valuable as yours.

6.) There is no "proper medium"
You don't need expensive supplies to make your art look good. If you want it, go for it. But if you think that what you need for your art to get better is a 3,600 dollar tablet, or 700 dollar pens, then you'll get nowhere.
You don't need fancy things to make your art look good, art can look good in all mediums really, it all depends on where you're comfortable.

7.) Know what is criticism and what is "just being an asshat"
Criticism is polite and gets straight to the point, telling one where improvements are needed, and how they can be fixed. Such as learning how to blend better and match colors nicer. Being an asshat is saying the art looks bad without a proper reason.
Figure out the difference and don't feel too offended by either.
One is trying to be helpful, the other should t even matter because it's just mean.

8.) Learn New techniques
There's always room for improvement, so if you see a book or a video that you think is helpful, don't feel ashamed that you can't do it, learn it. If my word is credible at all, I still check out picture reference books online because I like what it says and how it looks.

9.) Don't feel Pressured
Don't feel pressured to finish projects you just don't care about anymore. If you try to, the work just ends up sloppy and whichever audience you're presenting it to will notice it too.

10.) Try not to start too many projects.
Try not to drown yourself in "work in progress" things. Do things 1-2 at a time so you don't feel so bogged down and stressed.


Anyways, I'm feeling lazy again, so that's about it.

You don't have to listen to me.

I mean...

It's not like my word is set in stone and final anyways.

I still have trouble with lots of these.


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