Clothing problems

14 1 6

So, when I went to DC, we spent the last day in the mall connected to our hotel.
I bought a lot of nice clothes!
Because they were cheap and looked nice...
I looked over again, and I haven't worn them yet.
And then this thought ran through my head:
"When will I ever wear this?"
Because I rarely, if ever, go out during the summer. Even when I do, it's a casual affair with a friend or acquaintance, or errands with my dad.
I don't have any occasions where I need to dress cute...
Kinda makes me sad actually. It's a nice feeling to dress nice.
For now, I'll wear my Miku Expo 2016 concert tee, and my skinny cargos I guess.
Still haven't washed my high school sweatshirt either cuz I haven't done laundry...

So all I have left is really casual or cute no-occasion clothing.

I'm sure this is only my problem though.
Because if it wasn't, I'd be talking to a friend, not typing this on Wattpad.

No offense Wattpad.

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