Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

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Okay, so, I bought legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time for the 3ds last Wednesday, and I started it on Thursday while I was on the plane.
I've been playing it every night since I've been on my trip and I just defeated the first dungeon boss, who was unbelievably easy.
Literally, just smash the Gohma eggs before they hatch into larva, and then when the queen drops down, chuck a deku nut at her then while she's stunned, then beat the crap out of her.
It took me like, three deku nuts to kill her.
Also, getting the ocarina from Saria hurt my heart.
Also, that her theme is the Lost Woods theme also hurts my heart.
Anyways...I told a lie to an owl in that game too?

[Did you get all that?]

me: well, I skipped through all of that, but you know what? Screw it.

{ [yes!] }

Don't lie to birds though.
It's bad.
I'm tired.

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