Life Update: June (They continue!!)

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[A/N:] I remembered that I had life updates like this in my old books so I thought I might like to do this again. So my updates won't be frequent or anything. Just thought it would be fun.

June 21, 2017

I've been dying for school to end for so long...!! I mean, school is great with my friends, but I'm really tired lol
Just one more final tomorrow and it's free coasting through Friday!
I can't help but think about what my summer will be like, I'm going to Hawaii for a bit, and going camping, possibly with my boyfriend.
We're both super excited for camping! Since we never get much of an opportunity to hang out at school without it being awkward with other people lol
So while Hawaii is super fun, I'm definitely more excited for camping. I really hope he can come with us!
Overall, summer is going to be great!
I mean, things can't get better when you get to spend time with people you love, and getting to unwind without stress.


June 23, 2017

technically, Monday next week is the last day, but I'm skipping because fuck that lol

Today, I bought a red Mountain Dew and shared it with my friend because my friend and I are VERY obsessed with the musical "Be More Chill".
I basically spent my night yesterday reading the script along to the soundtrack, so there's that.
Michael is a precious boy.
So is Jeremy.

I've also been blasting the Heathers soundtrack and singing it a ton and even if he's evil, I love JD and no one can take that from me mwahahahI can sing really well to a lot of heathers songs, and especially after training my voice a ton in conce...

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I've also been blasting the Heathers soundtrack and singing it a ton and even if he's evil, I love JD and no one can take that from me mwahahah
I can sing really well to a lot of heathers songs, and especially after training my voice a ton in concert choir this year, I'm only getting better. This is so fun lol.

I also really like red Mountain Dew now, it's actually really good. Like a cherry lemonade.

Tbh with the school year over I'm going to miss my bus rides with my friend, and seeing my friends at school every morning and things like that...

Oh well, things go on. It's crazy to think I'll be a sophomore next year. Like holy crap, I'll be sixteen next year, where did the time go?

Gosh, the way things are going, smooth sailing is all I can see.

Idk it's pretty crazy to think about.


June 24, 2017
(Long post, skip if you want)

I woke up from a 2-hr long nap and had a nightmare
Midway through I almost woke up but fell asleep and continued

The dream:
It was like I was in spirited away, and No-Face was there, but really docile instead. And it was like my sister and I were preparing for something bad, like we needed all the components of an exorcism before demons crawl up from hell or something, and that bad thing caused No-Face to exist.

My sister and I were out in the evening/dusk time, and we were playing around with No-Face looking for rocks or something, but then, No-Face left, and I spoke to my sister about No-Face, like, a serious conversation. I don't think we were saying good things. And No-Face comes back, and looks angry. And he's like, "It's nice to come back to the people you love talking behind your back."
And that's scary, because if he gets up upset, he's still powerful enough to kill us, and he's mad, so I'm like, "Welp, time to go home,"
And I quickly whisper to my sister, "let's quickly get to my computer and log out of this world, things are getting risky here with no-face, and he might hurt us here and the third reality. He's not yet installed in the second reality."
Because, apparently, we were four layers deep into a game/stimulation.  We're in a game, in a game, in a game, in reality.
So we quickly move ahead of No-Face who's sorta mad and pouting, as my sister and I briskly walk to the nearby shrine, where we were doing our exorcism, and soon, it becomes a FULL ON SPRINT, because No-Face catches on to what we're doing and chases after us.
Luckily, we get to the shrine on time, get to the nearest computer, and log out of the game, opening up a portal, and no face stands behind us, before we enter the darkness, and he's angry and devious now, but we escape to the third reality. However, no-face is still installed into the third reality, but we were put in different places. So my sister and I get up, and we find ourselves in our school. (It's not actually our school, it looks like a traditional Japanese high school...I have no idea why.) My sister tells me not to get too close to people, because it could be no-face pretending to be any one of them.
We enter a classroom and my health teacher is droning about something in class, and my sister is hiding in the classroom, making sure that no one could see us in the classroom. I crawl over to my teacher, who isn't bothered by us interrupting her class. And I ask my Health teacher for a computer to log out of the stimulation, and open a portal to the second reality. She very depressingly, for some reason, gives me a computer, and my sister gets to work, while I hide. She successfully logs out, and the portal is opened...! the top level of the school, which is like, the third floor, and we're on the second floor.
But that's not a problem, cuz No-face is nowhere to be found, and we just have to get out to the portal. Along the way to go to the portal, we come across my boyfriend and some of his friends...and my sister warns me not to touch him or be friendly cuz it might be No-face. Surely enough, it is No-face, and the form of my boyfriend starts to distort, and for some reason, only I can deter him. I beg my sister to tell me the blessing we used to disable him, but she won't tell me, and No-face inches closer. In a very crooked way, I bite his hand, and it snaps. He's disabled, but I'm mildly sick cuz he's pretty much poison, oh my god, why did I bite him? Oh right, ITS CUZ NO ONE WOULD TELL ME THE DISABILITY BLESSING FUCK
YALL. (Mad about something in a dream lol)
Anyways we keep running to get to the portal, and I'm mildly traumatized by the fact I bit my boyfriend's distorted hand off.
We get to the portal, and escape before No-face gets there. And we're safe in the second reality. The portal spits us out in front of our school, in the rain, face first, into the mud, but you know what? We're not even mad, we're just happy we didn't die. Fuck the third reality, who cares if it's eaten away by hellfire and demons? The Second reality was enough of an escape for us lol. (Wtf was wrong with regular reality for us anyways, where we deliberately went four layers deep into a game/life stimulation??)
The camera pans out, and credits play....

Then I wake up. It was all a dream I had, and I forget to even question the fact that there were credits at the end of my dream, or the fact that one of the credits said no-face was played by Sean Connery, even if he clearly was not.

My dream was one long anime movie, whoop-dee-do.

June 28, 2017

I'm considering continuing the "Short stories" book I had. I liked it.
I bought an MP3 player, and I'm super excited!! Free offline music! Great for when you get stuck in a place with no service!

June 29, 2017

I'm definitely continuing the Short Stories book once this life update goes up.
It was too fun writing poetry lol
I really need a code name for my BF when I talk about him here. Using his real name doesn't seem right to me lol...I guess I can call him Dan? Simple, I like it. Okay! My BF's name is Dan, when I say Dan, I'm talking about him...onto the next story!!
Dan is a wholesome human being whose personality would suit that of a smol, but he's really tall!! He's a gentle giant~~ who acts like a kid. I usually stay up super late in the summer, like 3am, 4am, or 5am, and I like to sleep in! Dis boi tho? Nah, he's a normal human, so he's like, dead tired at 3am, but he doesn't want to hang up our FaceTime call. I really had to push him to go to bed, and when he did, I continued drawing until 4am. He always wants to have fun and talk and never wants to do work and stuff.... :-P
I wish he would though! And be honest about when he's sleepy and stuff.
Because, damn, he's so stubborn, he refuses to go to bed until I do, and even then, I'm later than that anyways. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Rant over!

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