Last Game Pt.2

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I think this is the first time I've read about a legitimate kuudere character archetype.

I mean, the main female lead, Mikoto Kujou, fits all the requirements:

1.) Cold and Stoic outside

2.) Occasionally shows a warm and caring side to the right person

3.) Is often dense about others liking them

Yup yup

First legitimate kuudere.

I've read about derederes (Moe Kare), tsunderes (Suki tte li na yo), yanderes (Mirrai Nikki), danderes (Isshukan Friends), and even a kamidere (Medaka Box)...

How have I not yet read about a kuudere until now??

Vocab for the non-otaku sort:

Kuudere: Seemingly cold and emotionless on the outside until someone breaks their shell where they grow warmer and gentler as the story progresses

Tsundere: Has a cool attitude and often hurts the one they like out of shyness and embarrassment where they occasionally show a very loving side

Yandere: Seem cute and normal on the outside, but are actually merciless people willing to do absolutely ANYTHING for the one they love. More often than not, they're crazy.

Deredere: A very happy go lucky type person with a genuine attitude towards the one they like.

Dandere: A shy type who has a hard time opening up out of fear of being hurt. Once they do open up, they're awfully warm and sympathetic characters.

Kamidere: A person with a god complex. They believe they are above everyone and that they are perfect in every way. Usually in love with those that make them feel "human".

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