Note to self:

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Note to self: Create a one-shot manga using the lyrics of Rachie's English cover of tawagoto speaker. (Baloney/Nonsense Speaker)

Note to self: Being able to do things with a faux smile on your face and endurance does not make you "badass" but "foolish"

Note to self: the best skill you can have is a skill of perception, and seeing through things.

Note to self: being an assassin seems cool until your realize that also means you have to deal with dead bodies at the end.

Note to self: Write an art-gallery based book/manga at some point.

Note to Self: Beyoncé's lemonade PV's aren't as terrible as you think. It's just her fan base.

Note to self: get a fan base.

Note to self: whether or not you want to admit it, dippin' dots is still ice cream, and you are still mildly lactose intolerant. But hey, you still bought it.

Note to self: it's really gratifying to buy someone a gift with your own money. It makes you feel responsible, and glad to have been able to make them smile. So buy presents when you can. With your own money.

Note to self: seeing your parents happy to be with you and together is actually the meaning of true joy. Seriously.

Note to self: as long as you're with family, that's home.

Note to self: Just because there's a stingray touch tank, and your zodiac sign is a fish, does not mean you're still not terrified of touching one.

Note to self: it's not weird to be absolutely fascinated and terrified of the ocean at the same time...right?

Note to self: Mermaids would be terrifying if they were real.

Note to self: Bring a large purse when going on vacation. It's a necessity.

Note to self: Missing one's friends calls for emotional chocolate support.

Note to self: actually read your summer book and don't spark note it.

Note to self: studying in the summer actually it.

Note to self: Drawing planes is harder than it looks, but really rewarding when finished.

Note to self: Accept nothing less than the 2D tsundere ikemens you know and love in all the manga you read. 2D is liiiiiifeeeee...

Note to self: Build a gaming PC. With advice from friends and parents.

Note to self: Christmas music is great year round.

Note to self: Figure out whether to grow up or not. Immaturity isn't all bad is it?

Note to self: Maybe change isn't as scary as one may think, but the unknown is?

Note to self: Cruel irony and coincidences usually upset people more often than one may think.


Note to self: watch the Orange (Takano Ichigo) anime this summer.

Note to self: Don't kill anything...yet...

Note to self: stop writing "note to self's"

Note to self: Just cause it's a pain, doesn't mean it's useless. Just cause it may hurt or be a bother, doesn't mean it's meaningless.

Note to self: talk to someone dammit. You antisocial otaku you...

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