Chapter Five

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Lorina's POV

I was walking toward the door when I noticed a blonde girl walking the same direction. She noticed me and smiled brightly. Her blue eyes were stunning. Girls like her actually made me feel insecure. I hardly get that feeling. I'm not usually intimidated by other girls. "Um, you're going there?" I asked pointing to the house.

"Yes, I am. Are you?" she asked with an Gorgie accent. I nodded my head. "I'm Perrie Edwards. Who are you?" she looked at me like she knows me from somewhere.

"Hello, Perrie. I'm Lorina." I replied. She stopped in her tracks. "What?"

"Lorina? Lorina Tomlinson?" she asked. I looked at her confused but slowly nodded my head. "Are you really Louis' twin sister?" I nodded again. "Are you sure? Are you lying? Are you secretly dating him? Are you-?"

I cut her off. "Woah, slow down. Quit asking so much questions. I'm not dating Louis! That's incest. I can assure you that I'm his twin."

"You can tell me. I won't tell anyone," she pressed on.

I gave her an irritated look. I also started to walk again toward the door. "I'm not dating him."

"Come on! Just tell me." she jogged to catch up.

"I'm not dating him." I told her once again bluntly. "He has a girlfriend anyways."

"So, is it a friends with benefits relationship?"

"I'm not dating him!" I screamed frustrated.  She gave me an irritated look and I scowled. "Anyways, why are you here? Sorry, if that sounded rude."

"I'm Zayn's girlfriend." she replied.

"Oh." was all I managed to say.


I unlocked the door and walked in. The tension seemed tense. Louis looked at me and saw the scowl on my face. Then he looked at Perrie and her irritated look. He rose an eyebrow and I shook my head. Perrie ran to Zayn and they shared a kiss. I saw Liam with his arm around a girl. She had an annoyed look on her face and her arms were crossed. She gave me a pissed look when our eyes met.

Okay then.

Next to Louis was another girl who I assume is Eleanor. She looked like she was fuming.

"Awkward silence." I said out loud. Harry snickered.

"Lorina!" Luke said. He stood up and gave me a hug. "We were just talking about you!"

I rose an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Are you really Louis' sister?" he asked me seriously.

"Please. Please, don't tell me your in all this bullshit." I gave him a look.

"Answer the damn question." Eleanor demanded.

My mood changed and now I'm very pissed. I marched my way so I'm in front of her. "If my brother was fucking cheating on you, why the fuck am I here?! I am his damn sister. I wouldn't date him! No offense, Louis. Its just fucking incest!" I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down.

I opened my eyes again and Eleanor looked guilty. "I'm sorry. C-can I talk to you?" she asked. I blinked confused but nodded. We went to the kitchen. "I'm sorry I led to conclusions. I'm just afraid Louis will find someone better than me." she whispered. She was looking at her shoes.

I blinked again. I stayed silent awhile before I finally spoke up. "I understand that your afraid. You don't have to worry, Eleanor. My brother loves you." I said softly.

She smiled. "I love him too." she looked up. "Can we start over? Maybe we can be friends."

A small smile formed on my face. "Sure. I would love to tell you the stupid things Louis did."

She laughed. Her expression then turned serious. "You know, Louis said that you left at his audition and he hasn't heard from you afterwards. Why?"

The smile left my face. "Let's talk about that another time." She nodded her head and we made our way to the living room where I guess they were having an argument. I whispered to Eleanor so only she can hear. "We should probably tell them its all fine before something bad happens." her eyes widen and agreed.

Louis looked like he was about to snap. Not good. "Okay, okay! Guys, calm down!" I got everyones attention. Mine and Louis' eyes met. I gave a small smile and he took it as a good thing. He smiled back.

"Louis, I think we should call mum and that can confirm things." he laughed.

"When was the last time you talked to her?" he asked

"I dunno but she hates me anyways." I shrugged.

"That's not true."

I shrugged again. "Dad does." He tensed. Our dad has always been a touchè subject with him.

"You probably should have brought that up." Niall whispered to me.

"Its fine." he assured but I didn't believe him. "Lorina has had a tougher time with that." They looked at me with pity.

"Don't give me that pity look, okay? I'm fine. My parents hate me. I'm okay with that."

"No family can hate their daughter." Danielle argued. I thought she hated me.

"I beg to differ." I whispered

"Louis, tell your sister she's wrong." Eleanor said.

He looked at me. He knows how much they hate me. They always had high expections from me and I never reached them. I was a fragile girl but I learned no one will be there for me. I got tougher. I'm still nice to people but if they piss me off, I turn into a bitch. "Our parents didn't understand her. Dan was kinder to her than mom and dad."

"I don't know about you guys but I want to play Just Dance 4." I said changing the subject. They agreed to play so I put the disc in the Wii. We took turns playing and I found out Danielle is a dancer and the rest can't dance. I took dance lessons as a child. I was alright.


double update :) this sucked anyways

well they finally believe her.

I saw earlier that I have 124 reads :0


tell me what you think ;)


tell me if you want more arguments or any ideas you have, I'll be glad to read them


well, bye xoxo

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